chapter 1: The wedding

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Disclaimer- I do not own Glee
Gonna be doing it in Finn and Rachel's point of view I felt like it be easier

Rachel's POV

"Rachel?" Kurt said, knocking on the door of my room.

"Come in" I replied.

He entered my room and scanned me from head to toe, examining my wedding dress. It was white lace with a strapless sweetheart neckline and a princess shaped skirt, that fell to the floor with a long train. I wore satin heels, my brunette hair was curled, half up half down and my veil was secured with a crystal headband.

"Rachel... you look amazing!" He said with an open mouth.

"Thanks Kurt, your looking very handsome yourself. He was wearing a black tux with a silver satin vest and purple tie.

"Thanks" He giggled.

"Hey, whet about us?" Santana said sarcastically walking out of the connecting room with my other bridesmaids- Tina, Mercedes, Brittany and Quinn. Suprisingly, I got closer to Quinn we both moved on from the whole Finn situation and she moved on from him and is now with Puck so there's no more hard feelings so quinn is now by best friend and maid of honor.

"You girls look amazing too" Kurt said, laughing. They were wearing short, floaty, purple dresses with white satin ties around their waists and strappy purple heels. Their hair was curled and pulled up, secured with white and purple flowers, and they carried white rose bouquets that had purple ribbon tied around the stems.

"Thanks Kurt" The girls said in unison.

"Okay, girls... and Kurt" I said gathering them all in a circle. "I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you have put into helping me plan this wedding. Esspecially you Kurt, I couldn't have asked for a better wedding planner and soon to be brother-in-law"

"And I couldn't have asked for a better soon to be sister-in-law" Kurt added.

"Okay! Are we ready to get this party started!" Quinn said handing me my flower bouquet.

"Oh yeah!" We all shouted, before leaving for the wedding.

Finn's POV

"Okay... Okay... I, am freaking out!" I said to Puck, my best man, who was sitting in my room waiting for me to get up the courage to leave.

"Dude, calm down, your gonna be fine, you and Rachel are meant to be" He told me.

"I know, it's just... I'm getting married... married!" I said, still freaking out.

"Yeah... you are... to Rachel!" Puck said with a smile.

"Your right, thanks" I said, relaxing a little.

"Hey hey, sup with the groom and his best man!" Artie said, as he entered my room, followed by Sam, Mike and Blaine. "Were gonna be late if we don't leave now"

"We know... Finn's just trying to remember how to breath" Puck said, as they all laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny" I said sarcastically, fixing my silver tie and plae purple vest one last time.

"Dude, stop fiddling with your tie, you look great" Sam said, noticing I was still really nervous.

"I know, I'm sorry" I said, flicking from fixing my tie to my black suit jacket.

"Don't be, your getting married, you have every right to be nervous" Blaine said.

"Yeah, your brave, if I were you I would be running for the hills. There is no way I'm getting married any time soon" Puck said, relaxing.

"Oh Yeah? Well you better start running, cause Rach told me just a few days ago something about Quinn waiting for you to propose to her" I added, laughing.

"What? Puck said in shock. "She has never said anything about getting married to me before"

"Oh relax, it's probably just all the excitment about Finn and Rachel's wedding that's got her thinking. She'll get over it soon" Mike said convincingly.

"Yeah... I guess you right. Well we better get going, you don't want to be late to your own wedding do you Finn?" Puck said as we all headed for the door. "You okay man?" He asked befor we left.

"Yeah, I'm good, let's do this" I said as we left for the wedding.

Rachel's POV

We were almost at the wedding location and I was starting to feel a lot more nervous. It had been exactly a year since Finn had proposed and we were getting married in the same spot.

"Well... what do you know... snow!" Quinn said as it softly started to snow.

I laughed. "What a coincidence."

My heart was pounding as we approached the location. I was so nervous I could no longer feel the cold snow falling on my bare arms. We stopped right at the beggining of the aisle, Finn was waiting at the end and I could see the giant smile he had on his face when he saw me.

My bridesmaids paired up with the glee guys as the music started to play. Each pair walked down the aisle, Quinn and Puck, last before me. Each of my shaking arms were linked around my fathers as we walked down the aisle. When we reached the end, they each gave me a kiss on the cheek and shook Finn's hand in approval as I handed my flowers to Quinn.

Finn and I stood face to face, both with huge smiles, under a white arch that had white and purple flowers laced around it. Everything looked perfect and the snow that fell through the arch and onto our faces reminded me so much of Finn's proposal.

We exchanged vows as Finn slipped a gold wedding band onto my fourth finger and I did the same.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife" The priest looked at Finn, "You may now kiss your bride"

And so he did. The guests cheered and threw flowers that fell into the snow as we walked back down the aisle.

I was proud to call myself Rachel Hudson...

Well there you go there's the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it

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