chapter 3: a new home

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Rachel POV

We were driving home from the airport after being away for three weeks on our honeymoon.

"Our honeymoon was so much fun Finn, but I'm glad to be back in New York" I said, looking out the window of the car while Finn was driving.

"I agree," he said, with a small laugh.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing," he replied, bitting his lip.

"Then why were you laughing,"

"No reason," he said suspiciously.

He continued concentrating on the road. "Where are we going?" I asked when I realised this wasn't the way to our apartment.

"It's a surprise, you'll see…" He said, with a grin on his face.

While I tried to figure out what was going on in Finn's mind, we pulled up into the driveway of a beautiful two-story home. It had an amazing garden out the front and I could see part of a swimming pool out the back.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, confused.

He got out of the car and opened my door to help me out, before grabbing my waist and swinging me up into his arms bridal style. "Rach… Welcome home!"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him, completely shocked. "Finn Hudson, what are you talking about?" I asked at he carried me to the front door, knocking it open with his foot.

He didn't get a chance to answer though, because as soon as we entered the house, the lights switched on. "SURPRISE!"

My heart stopped but then I burst into laughter with a huge smile on my face when I saw both our families, and all our friends standing in the lounge room.

Finn put me down and gave me a kiss. "Do you like it?"

"Finn… it's perfect, when did you do all this?" I asked

I bought the house a while back, these guys moved all our furniture while we were away." He replied, motioning to the guests. "I figured now that were married, we need a bigger place."

"Thank you Finn… and all of you, this means so much to me." I said, as I walked over to give my family and all my old friends a hug.

"Okay!" Kurt said, trying to get the room quite. "Before we get this party started… Rachel, this is for you."

He handed me an envelope, I took it and quickly read what it said before screaming and jumping into Kurt's arms.

"What is it?" Finn asked, smiling.

"I got the part in Wicked! I auditioned before we got married and I thought they had chosen someone else… this is amazing!"

"Wait, there's more" Kurt said, "You won't be alone… I, will be joining you!"

Again I screamed and hugged him, this was all too much for one day. I couldn't have been happier. "Kurt, I can't believe this, it's going to be so much fun!"

"Congratulations babe" Finn said as he gave me a kiss. "You deserve it."

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