chapter 4: an unexpected gift

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Rachel's POV

It was 7:30 at night and I couldn't wait to get home. I pulled into the driveway of our beautiful house that we had been living in for about a month now.

Opening the door, I immediately smelt dinner cooking. It was times like this I was glad Finn could cook. He usually finished class before I got home, so he did most of the cooking.

"Hey Finn!" I called from the door. I walked into the kitchen, to find him at the stove.

"Hey Rach," he said giving me a kiss. "You're just in time, dinner's ready"

"Yay, I'm starving," I said, putting my bag on the lounge.

"How was rehearsal?" He asked, as we started to serve our food.

"Great! Everything is really starting to come together. Finn, it's unbelievable how happy I am."

"Well I'm glad, I can't wait to see you on opening night."

I laughed, "Thanks Finn, but we just started, opening nights not going to be for at least another year."

"I know, can't I be excited for my wife?" he said, as we sat down.

"Go ahead" I giggled. I quickly started shoving food in my mouth, I must have looked very un-lady-like, but I couldn't help it, I was starving.

"Hey, slow down Rach, the food's not going to disappear or anything." Finn said, after finishing just his first bite.

"I'm sorry, I'm hungry... I'm eating for two now you know" I looked at him with a huge smile on my face.

Just as Finn was about to take another bite he slowly lowered his fork back to his plate and looked up at me in shock. "Rach... did you just say what I think you said?"

I nodded, "I'm pregnant"

He smiled. "Rach..." he laughed "I can't believe it, were going to be parents!" he said as we both got up and he gave me a passionate kiss.

"Finn, I know were still young, and this wasn't really planned but I'm so excited!" I said, as he held me around the waist.

"I know Rach, I agree with you but I couldn't be happier!" Finn said, giving me another kiss. "But what about your part in Wicked?"

"Well, the baby will be here before opening night, so there shouldn't be any problems. But at the moment I don't really care, I just want to be with you and our growing baby."

We kissed again as I thought about how lucky I was to have such an amazing husband.

Sorry it was kinda short, I just wanted to get the introduction to the Finchel baby. Thanks for reading

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