Chapter Three

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December 26th, 2015

It was dark out. The moon was dominating the sky in its dimmed glory. Wind was whistling past the trees, singing throughout the woods. A girl was tied to a tree, surrounded by cloaked figures. It was Andréa. Sweet Andréa, tied to a tree, surrounded by cloaked figures humming a dead monotonous tune.

She began to struggle and stir,in hopes of freeing herself. Then they disappeared into a black puff of smoke. Then one of them came back and walked towards her.

"I am going to release you. If you do not run. I will kill you."

She looked at the insane rescuer, processing the words he had spoken to her. Then as through she was snapped back into reality, she bolted up.

She ran without direction, not sure where her legs were leading her. Ducking and leaping through the woods, avoiding obstacles. It's was a wild obstacle course, the only fear was that she may not make it to the finish-line alive.

"They are coming for you... "

Came a foreign voice in her head, same voice of the man who had untied her.

She heard the sound of rushed steps following behind her, hot on her trail. She turned her head to get a glance of her chaser, and regretted it immediately.

She caught sight of the same cloaked figure that she used to see in her childhood nightmare. A black hooded coat and bloody hands. Those hands. Who did the blood belong to?

She turn forward, only to come crashing down to the ground. To see nothing but a very dark blackness.


Andréa woke up panting and gasping for air. This has always been the aftermath when waking up from this same nightmare.

She hadn't had this dreaded nightmare since she was seven, and for some reason, its come back to haunt her, and cause her sleepless nights.

She looked around her room, and felt discomfort. The temperature of her room was much chiller than it should be, and she was sweating profusely.

"This is just great, peachy. Why did this stupid dream have to come back... "

She was ranting to herself in a low tone, but was cut off by the should of something falling of her vanity table, at the far right of her room.

She let out a squeak of panic, and was greeted with a lonely scilence. No one was there. Then she began to see the form of a man take form, but he was not solid, she could see through him.

Then he became more visible, as though trying to piece it's self together, and fabricate itself. Then she saw the man in a cloak. She was scared frozen. She could not believe what she was seeing, it was simply impossible.

The entity that had been a nightmare to her, causing her and the rest of the household, lack of sleep, was standing right before her, and she couldn't even speak or scream, to get her parents or anyone to her rescue.

The cloaked figure was making grunting sounds, as it stretched out it's bloodied hands towards her. And then it leaped.

It was to pounce on her, so she closed her eyes, awaiting certain death. Then there was a crash and glass came crashing into the room. A gust of wind went past her, and she heard the sound of a heavy thud, followed by the tearing of flesh and the snapping of bones.

With caution, she unwrapped her arms from her face and looked over her bed, to it's side, to witnesses as a man in a black coat, backing her attacked the cloaked figure that had tried to advance on her. She watched in horrified amazement as the man tore it limb from limb.

There was a creak from the step of someone down the corridor. This made the man to get up in alert. Reaching into his pocket, he brought out a powdery substance onto his palm, and sprinkled it on the now dead and detached form which lay on the ground.

Andréa blinked a couple of times, to see that it had disappeared. She looked up, in hopes if seeing the face of her rescuer, but was greated with another gust of wind, and a shadowy blur go out through her now fixed window.

Her parents came barging through the door of her bedroom, she felt like a deer caught in headlights.

"We thought we heard the sound of something break." Her mother said, looking towards the window. "Is everything okay? What happened?" Her dad asked, staring at her with worried eyes.

"No, I'm fine nothing happened. I just a bad dream." She said looking away from them.

"What happened?" Her mother asked.

"It was the same one" she replied.

There was scilence in the room. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Asked her dad.

"No." Was all she said, and covered her face with her blanket. They sighed and told her Good Night, leaving her to sleep.

Andréa just didn't understand what just happened. But she didn't think she was all for the idea of finding out.


The sun was out, and it was pretty quiet, only the soft tunes of Christmas were being played through out the house, and Andréa had just left her room. It was noon, and she didn't have much sleep, after what happened to her last night, she stayed twisting and turning in bed, wondering what the hell took place in her room, and who on earth the man that came to kill the thing that nearly pounced on her.

She got downstairs, and was greeted to an empty house. She got into the kitchen, and spotted a sticky-note on the fridge.

Sorry we didn't wake you up. We thought you would need some sleep, after last night. We went out to do some shopping, as things are half off, that means more stuff. See you at 5.
:) Mom

Reading it actually managed to find a way to make her smile, especially when her mum signed off with a smiley-face.

She decided to have a quiet day in, after giving Chole a text, telling her to come over if she's free, she went into the kitchen to get herself some waffle-ice cream sundae, and took her seat on the couch direct to the tv, watching Boy Meets World. She just couldn't get enough of Cory and Topanga.

A/N: HEY BABIES! It's been a while, just wanted to update before I get back to boarding school.
I love you guys for reading, thanks a bunch, but pls try and vote. I haven't been getting a lot of those lately. If you are really enjoying it so far, pls take time to click that lil star. It meams alot! ♡

Bye! xoxo

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