CHAPTER 4:The truth revealed..

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The ball of light was still there with Augusta and Anastasia to watch over them..


Anastasia and Augusta were playing in the garden. They were playing in the garden. They were very happy... But they didn't know what was happening with their mother at that time .


Celestial was talking to Flora who was being given tied to a cellar and beaten very badly for the past 15 Years...
Celestial said " Mm,it's been 15 Years and now I think your daughters might have got their powers..Flora ,I'll get your daughters killed,at any cost." "No ,you won't be even able to go near them",said Flora,.But after a lot of arguments celestial just gave a huge slap to Flora and went to Georgia. When celestial was gone Crystal appeared and asked to Flora, " Flora,why didn't you tell her that Augusta and Anastasia has already gotten the powers when they were reborn." .Flora replied that she wanted to save her children and told crystal that when they were babies ,they didn't know how to use to use their powers to save themselves, but now I know that they can control their powers . Crystal, now what you have to do now is that you have to keep an eye on celestial and also tell Richard and Adelaide that it's time to tell the secret to them and also remember them that Augusta and Anastasia should not hear who their true mother is from someone else other than Richard and Adelaide. If anything happens like that, then they both will fall in a lot depression and their power will become powerless for sometime and if at that time Celestial tries to kill them ,then she will be successful in that and I don't want anything like to happen . So go crystal ,go "

Celestial was standing there hearing all these things..

And then she thought that this was the right time to kill AUGUSTASIA and she went to do that .

When celestial went,Flora said to herself," Wow celestial, wow,I knew before itself that you were standing nearby in order to hear my conversation and that is why I lied to crystal and told that Augusta's and Anastasia's power will be gone if somebody else tells the truth ,but it's the exact reverse which will happen. Go celestial, go and get your reward from Augusta and Anastasia which you never ever will forget ,I'm sure...."

Crystal reached Georgia and told Richard and Adelaide everything what they have to do...


Augusta and Anastasia were playing in the garden.
Anastasia and Augusta were so happy .Soon celestial came in the former of an old lady and she told them that she was living in Georgia. Celestial asked the two girls if they know the truth about their birth. Augusta answered, No,why ? Celestial understood and started telling the whole story whatever happened from the past to present .She also didn't hesitate to tell the present condition of their true mother, Flora . After hearing all this, Augusta and Anastasia was so surprised, frightened and angry too....
Meanwhile Flora was able to see this through the eyes of AUGUSTASIA and Flora was thinking about them in mind ...
Augusta and Anastasia felt so worried and went and asked to Richard and Adelaide and asked them to tell her the truth.
Richard and Adelaide was so surprised because crystal had already told that they must not know this secret from anyone else except them themselves. But without hesitation, Richard and Adelaide told them the truth. And just like a statue and not telling anything they just went into their room.
While seeing it was just as if their powers have lost because of their deep sorrow.
Celestial was seeing all these and after seeing that Augusta and Anastasia walk to their room she thought that it was the perfect time to kill them and take their powers. Celestial followed them to the room.
They reached the room .
At the meantime, Flora was telling ,"Celestial, get ready for your fate Celestial ,get ready"...

At the room .....

Augusta and Anastasia were crying so hard as their eyes became red .They hugged each other and started to think about their childhood, and thought why Augusta was so much connected to the sun and why Anastasia , to moon and they thought why there was always a part of them missing ,eventhough they had everything..
Celestial started to make a spell and waved the wand towards the twins...
A very strong white light and a scream was heard...







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