Math Class Sucks Ass

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Why won't this class just end?

If Mrs. what's her face doesn't stop talking i'm gonna punch my friend

He won't like it he'll have to take the pain

But if i hear one more mention of square roots i'm gonna splatter my freaking brains

Snooze, I'm so tired. Homeworks done, i'm all set

Nothing but maxing and relaxing tonight, no stress, no reasons to fret

Just get me out of here for the love of god! so i can start enjoying my day now

Tick tock, tick tock, stupid clock! won't move any damn faster.... wooowww.

What are you looking at? kid in the third row staring at me!

Giving me the evil eye, "yeah buddy! its plain to see"

Guess i'll just doodle and make a key

Its either that or a stick man or stick shaped tree

I can't draw....

Forget it, too much disappointment to deal with

Teacher: "Mr lawrence do you have something to contribute?" Me: "uhhh i plead the fifth"

Chuckles all around i'm a comedy genius for sure

Looks like the only one not laughing is the one pumping out math problems that the class have to endure

"Well Mr. Lawrence since you're so keen on your constitutional rights you can go to detention in room 302. Mr. Liptons History class after school today"

"What!? no! You can't put me in detention. I promise i will obey"

**Bell rings**

My boring class turned to a nightmare in hell

A one way ticket to a half metal part wooden cell.

Stepping into the room and sitting down at a desk the teacher leaned back in his chair with his feet on his big wooden desk

Reading his book he never looked as he sat there all statuesque

All around kids sitting idle messing about

One kid picking his nose the other looking at the air like some weird teenage burn out

I look up.... Tick tock tick tock

This day will never end


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