Will I Die In Detention

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ughhh Detention

Detention detention detention

Why me?

This is such crap, I just want out of this freaking place A S AFP!

I've heard of people dying of boredom before, keeling over in a flash

If that's really true, then i better get out of here soon, get on my feet, burst through that door in a dash

That kid sitting next to me is picking his nose, he's digging real deep

He's wiping it on his camouflage jacket, while the teacher lays back in his chair asleep

This could be the perfect time to bolt, but the teacher, Mr. Brawn i heard has ears like a dog

The second you make the tiniest peep or squeak near the door, he'll be on instant alert and he'll be all over you like smog

Crap! These kids, i honestly thought that whole "detention was for weirdo's" was a cliche

But no its not, we've got booger boy, snoozy, this girl who keeps smelling her feet, and some guy who's got his butt crack on display

Tick tock goes the clock but the minutes couldn't move any faster for me

This boring class turned around and kicked my ass, and all want is to be free

"Hey" a whispering voice lets out

"Hey you" the whispering voice says again without a doubt

I turn around slowly and look to the back of the class

I nod to source of the whispering voice, as he throws a paper airplane my way real fast

I reach up and grab it in mid air, look at him, then open it up

Inside it says, "Hey I'm Jake. Do you like Anime? Also wass up?"

I grab my pen and write, "no i don't like anime. Not much" and toss the airplane back

Jake grabs the plane looks inside with an upset look, writes something, and tosses the airplane aggressively till it hits the floor underneath my desk and goes "smack!"

I look at him with that look like "Dude calm down" as he appeared to sit in his chair and stew

I reached under my desk, grabbed the plane and read the note, it read in bold letters, "FUCK YOU"

God i want out of here. This place has just gone from bad to worse real quick

You know what i'm gonna leave, and If Mr. Brawn tries to stop me i'll just tell him to, "Suck my d-

*Bell rings*

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