EINH chapter 1*

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*Chapter One*

{Month One}

"So what are you going to do?" Andie asked me calmly the Monday after my appointment. She had freaked out when I first told her, but I could always count on her when something was making life tough.

"What do you mean, what am I going to do?" I questioned rhetorically. This should be obvious. It had been to me since the moment I had even an inkling of a thought. "I'm going to tell my parents, of course. And then I'm going to tell your parents. Oh, shit, my parents are going to be grandparents at thirty-nine! They're going to fucking kill me!"

"You mean, you're not even considering anything else?" she asked lightly. She wouldn't be asking that if she knew who the father was. She had asked, but I had refused to tell her.

"Anything else? Andrea Samantha Lynde! How can you even question that?" She was obviously not as bright as I thought she was, though, neither was I. "Have you listened to me when I've told you if I were to get pregnant I'd keep the baby, no matter what? I meant that. I can't give my baby away to people I don't know, and I sure as fuck can't murder somebody."

"Woah, Riles, chill out," she said, holding her hands out in a calming motion. "I was just making sure. No need to go all fucking 'mama bear' on me."

I looked at her dryly. "Ha, fuckng, ha. No parental jokes until after I get 'telling our parents' off the list of 'Things To Do'."

"When are you gonna tell 'em?" she asked curiously.

"I'll tell my parents tonight at dinner," I told her. "Hopefully the distraction of food will prevent them from killing me on the spot."

She shrugged. "If I know your parents, I know that they'll be cool about the whole thing. Didn't your mom have Chelsea when she was eighteen?"

I nodded. Chelsea was my older sister, who was currently staying with us for her summer before she headed off into the 'real world', as she liked to call it. News flash: If she hadn't experienced the real world yet, she had a serious delusional issue.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed. "I honestly think Chelsea is the one that's going to freak the hell out."

"Hell yeah, she is!" Andie agreed eccentrically. "I'm sorry, but I'm not really sure how your parents are all rad and were able to produce a child that is so proper and uptight. I just don't think that is scientifically possible."

I shrugged. "Maybe she was adopted."

"Or shipped here by aliens."

"Yeah, the mother alien couldn't handle the stick up her ass," I snickered.

"That is not a stick; that is a fucking tree trunk."


Dinner that night started the same as it usually did. Mom set the food on the table, Dad gathered all the silverware we needed, Chelsea got her drink and sat down, and I took everybody else's drink orders. When we were all finally seated, Mom passed around the food as we piled up our plates. At first, I didn't get as much as I usually did, but then I remembered I was eating for two, and I slapped on some more mashed potatoes and corn.

We said a quick grace, and I added my own little request at the end silently. As everyone else dug into Mom's usually delicious food, I scooted my corn and meat around my plate, taking occasional bites.

It was quiet for awhile before Chelsea had to open her big trap and inform us of her wonderfully eventful life that needed sharing every night. I rolled my eyes as she started her own episode of Chelsea Lately.

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