EINH chapter 25*

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*Chapter 25*

Arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a strong chest. I leaned back against him and took a deep breath, relishing the cool, clean air that reminded me so much of Georgia. Although, the sight I was looking at was quite a bit different than what I was used to seeing.

Instead of dense forest, I was looking out at rows upon rows of houses, all exactly or nearly exactly the same. Some people would think it was too cookie cutter, but it was something new, considering I had lived in such a small town my whole life with only about three hundred houses there in total. This was new and exciting. The base had twice as many residents as all of Brooks, Georgia and that was just the families. Add on all the army personnel and other workers, there was well over two thousand people.

There was trees everywhere here, too, and it was so green and the air was cool. There were mountains in the background and the Olympic Penninsula was just a two hour drive from here. My school was just a half hour drive off the base and, once Brooklyn and Zander were old enough, they're school was five minutes away by foot. It was nice to have all the ammenities here on the base for children.

"How do you like it?" Preston asked, his chin resting on my head.

We were standing on our back porch, looking into our "backyard" that we shared with a few other houses. I hadn't met any of the other families yet, but I planned to this weekend when the base held a Spring Picnic, whatever that was.

"It's really nice here," I said, laying my hands on top of his. "I don't think I'll mind living here for the next couple of years."

"Good, because you wouldn't have a choice anyway," he said, chuckling to show he was just joking. But, in reality, I didn't have a choice, but I was fine with that. As long as I was with my family, I didn't care where I was.

I gave a little laugh. "That's alright, I don't mind."

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Good, because I wouldn't be happy unless you were."

I swooned a little bit at how sweet and sincere he was. I had no idea what I did in life that allowed me to have such a perfect man like Preston.

"Come on, we gotta finish unpacking while the babies are still asleep," he said, taking my hand now and escorting me back inside. I went willingly, knowing we had to get this over with. It was easier to do tasks like this while the babies were alseep so we didn't have our hands full.

My babies were officially one year old as of two days ago. I couldn't believe it had already been a year since I had given birth to them and I had finally seen their beautiful little faces, no matter how much they looked like little aliens at the time.

We had still been in Georgia at the time, so we had celebrated with our families, though it was a short party. We had to be at the airport by ten that night for our flight at eleven-thirty. We had just had a small get together at my parents' house with my mom, dad, Chelsea, her boyfriend, Johnny, Kai and the Lyndes. We just had dinner and cake and ice cream and just talked. It was weird having a birthday party for a pair of one year olds since they couldn't really enjoy it as if they were older. It had more of a going away type of feel, which was exactly what it was.

There were a lot of tears on everybody's part as we said goodbye. I had never thought that I would have to say goodbye to my parents and not see them the next day. When I was in high school, I had always wanted to go to college out of state, but I had never really thought of the fact that I wouldn't be around my parents all the time. Now that I was moving with my new husband and our children, it was a little hard. I knew I would be on the other side of the country and over three thousand miles away.

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