EINH chapter 4*

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*Chapter Four*

{Month Two}

"Oh my God," Kane said like one of those douches from Jersey Shore. 

"The Situation!" I shouted out. 

"Yes!" he shouted in success and then passed it off to my mom. 

It was Friday night and we were having game night at the Lyndes' place. Today's choice of game was Catchphrase, which was one of my favorites. This particular model was a new 2011 version that I was awesome at. 

The teams were Kane, my dad, David and I on one team and my mom, Lily, Chelsea and Andie on the other. Chelsea was forced to play every Friday now that Preston was gone and Meagan wasn't able to play much since she had little Cynthia to look after. Chelsea usually despised the whole night. She was a sore loser, and I happened to be better than her at these types of things. Like now, for instance, when my team was kicking her team's ass. 

"Okay, um, the first part is the same name as one of the Teletubbies," my mom was saying, trying to get the name. In the mean time, I already had it. 

I leaned over to my teammates and whispered, "Lalaloopsy." They all gave me high fives, and I could see the look of irritation and rage on my sister's face. 

Once their time had run out and they still hadn't figured it out, she exploded. 

"Why do you have to be like this?" she wondered agitatedly, throwing her arms up in the air. 

I was honestly confused at her outburst. "Like what? What are you talking about?" 

"This! You're always so perfect!" she shouted. "'Oh, look at me, I'm O'Reilly Holmes and I'm perfect. I have perfect grades and perfect friends and a perfect life. Now, to add on top of it I'm having a perfect pregnancy that will lead to a perfect baby!' 

"You know how irritating it is to have to live in your proverbial footsteps when I'm the older sibling? Mom and Dad never ask, but I know they're wondering why I'm not more like you! I've never had perfect grades without much effort, and I've never been a perfect child without trying my damned hardest. Why do you have to be like this?" 

"You think I'm perfect?" I wondered incredulously and as calmly as I could manage. "Chelsea, I have news for you, sweetheart. I'm not perfect; no one is! I've never been perfect. I try for my grades and my attitude and my life. I work hard everyday to be the person I am. You know what type of bitch I'd be all the time if I didn't?" 

I stood from my seat on the couch and glared down at my sister.  

"Chelsea, I'm sorry if I've made life harder for you because of my supposed perfection, but I haven't done it on purpose. I'm far from perfect. I got pregnant at eighteen. I didn't even finish high school before I got pregnant! Now, the person that I love and the father of my baby is half way across the country and he doesn't even know! So, if you think I'm perfect you have another thing coming." 

She let out a huff and then stood up, picking up her things. 

"Where are you going?" Mom asked worriedly. 

"Out," Chelsea bit out. "I'm walking. Don't wait up for me." 

With a few more steps she was out of the living room, and then there was the sound of the front door slamming. I jumped slightly at the sound even though I almost knew it was coming. 

"Mom, it's dark out there," I told her quickly. 

"It's Brooks, sweetie," she consoled, even though her voice was laced with worry. "Nothing's going to happen to her. There's nowhere dangerous to go." 

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