EINH chapter 5*

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*Chapter Five*

{Month Three}

"Dad, why are we here, again?" I asked my father as I trudged through the parking lot to a Babies R Us forty miles away in another city. 

I could sense that he rolled his eyes just by looking at the back of his full head of hair. He and David were very proud to be in their late thirties and still sporting nice hair. They were just afraid of getting old, though I don't think it would ever matter.  

Both men had no wrinkles to speak of, they still had bodies like that of twenty year olds and they didn't look a day over thirty. I think they were doing pretty well so far, considering their professions. You would think David would have a lot of grey hair from being a doctor and, if we lived anywhere else, my dad would either be really wrinkly or have skin cancer because of his job in construction. 

"You're having a baby, Riles," he said in a 'duh' sort of tone. 

I rolled my eyes. "I realize that, Dad. I mean, why now? I'm only three months pregnant." 

"Yeah, but this stuff costs money, O'Reilly," he said as if I didn't know this already. "It's gonna take a little while to pay it off." 

"Dad, that's why I work forty hours a week and babysit on the weekends," I informed him, jogging a little so I was next to him. Even that little of exerted movement made me breathless. So much for being the track and volleyball star in high school. 

"I know, baby girl, but there's a lot of things that go into raising just one little person," he said, looking down at me with his 'Serious Eyes'. The only way we ever knew my dad was being serious is if he had his 'Serious Eyes' on. They were usually hard set and lacking the glimmer they did the rest of the day. 

I coughed at his usage of the singular. I still hadn't told anyone but Chelsea that I'm having twins. I guess now was as a good of a time as any. 

"Uh, Dad, can I tell you something?" I asked as we walked through the big sliding doors into the store. I was bombarded with pregnant women, happy people in yellow shirts and tons of baby supplies. It was just a tad bit overwhelming. 

"What's up, baby girl?" he asked lightly as we made a beeline for the furniture. 

"Dad, you know we're gonna need two cribs," I told him quickly as he started looking at a cherrywood one in the corner.  

I saw his back stiffen and his gaze on the wood slide over to me. 

"What was that, Riles?" he questioned like he hadn't heard me. That man had excellent hearing; I know he heard me correctly. 

"I'm having twins, Daddy," I told him on an exhale.  

He stared at me, dumbfounded. 

As he was gathering himself, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I pulled it out to see the same number that had called me anonymously a few weeks ago. I slid the green button across the screen and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I answered as my dad went back to perusing the cribs and mumbling to himself about something. He seemed to be taking the news well. 

"Hey Riles," Preston answered. 

"Preston!" I nearly shouted, even though I knew it was him. My dad's head snapped up to me and he shot me a mischievous smirk before going back to whatever he was doing before. 

Preston laughed. "It's good to talk to you too, O'Reilly." 

"Sorry, I was just a little excited," I admitted. I was always excited to hear from Preston. I had just received his letter yesterday, and I was still excited to hear from him today. 

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