Chapter 1: Breaking News

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They look so cute in the side picture.


I was having a 'Netflix and Chill' session with myself when a name, that I hadn't seen in ages, flashed up on my phone's screen - Camila's name. It had been 2 years, 7 months and 26 days, and that means that it had been 5 months since the party, not that I've been counting. I hadn't properly gone outside since that day and Austin, we've made up and is now my best friend - aside from Cameron, has been visiting me everyday, except today because he has a show in London and I'm chilling in my hotel room in New York . I've been on 6 month hiatus and that means that it's ending soon. Tomorrow. It's ending tomorrow. I answered the call as I realised that it had been ringing for quite some time already.


"We broke up! Joe and I b...broke up. He d...dumped me and left me with a note s...saying that he's found s...someone else. The's tomorrow. He b...basically left me at the i...isle. Was I n...not good e...enough? Why?" Camila was sobbing. I was so upset for her. I didn't have feelings for her anymore though. Or at least I don't think I have feelings for her.

"Camila, I'm so sorry for you."

"Wait,'re not Lauren. S...Shawn?"

" meant to call Lauren?" I was so confused.

"I must h...have called the w...wrong person! S...sorry." Was this what she was like when she thought that I had cheated on her? I hope not. She seems so upset.

"Wait-" I started, but before I could finish, she hung up on me. Wow!


I woke up feeling excited. This was my first day back in the business after my hiatus! I went on my phone and tweeted to all my followers.

@ShawnMendes I'm back! New songs, new albums, new everything! I'm so excited guys!

I quickly got dressed into my signature black pants, black leather jacket and grey top after tweeting that and when I went to get my phone, I had over I million comments already. I got into my new car and drove off to Island Records HQ, where I was meeting Andrew (my manager). Apparently he had some big news to tell me. I wondered what it was.

I arrived and got out of the car and saw a flash of pink. I swear that I've seen that colour before but it must have been my imagination as the next moment, it was gone. The next thing I knew, was stepping through the big glass doors and into the main reception, where Andrew was waiting for me. There was also another man - Simon Cowell. What was he doing here? He didn't onw Island records so why was he here.

"Ah Shawn, I want you to meet Simon." Andrew said to me. Simon put his hand out and I shook it.

"Shawn. Let's get down to business. You've just gotten out of hiatus and one of my biggest stars has just gotten out of a relationship. The public want you to get together and we think that this will be an amazing opportunity for publicity. That's why we're putting you together in a fake relationship." Simon said. Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw the flash of pink again and it's wearer - Camila. What was she doing here?  

"What. I don't want that." I answer

"Too bad. You're doing it and if you don't, you're gonna be dropped from Island Records."

"You can't do that-"

"Watch me."

"Fine but who's the girl?"

"Shawn. Meet Karla. Also known as Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony." Simon introduces me to Camila.


"What, what? Oh you."

"Nice to see you to." the managers could tell that there was frostiness between us as they exchanged awkward looks.

"Well Camila, you're going to be in a fake relationship with Shawn here. If you don't, Fifth Harmony will be dropped and it will be all your fault." Simon threatens.

"Fine. What do we have to do?"

"You're going to do an interview with Kelly and Michael."


LOL! First chapter of the sequel! YAY! Thank you all for being so amazing and fabulous and for following the whole story! I appreciate it so much and am so thankful!

Please vote and comment if you like this story! Add it do whatever you want with it. I'm not the boss of you! Thanks so much! I will be posting the next chapter when this one gets 3 votes and 15 views!

Saphire X♥X♥X♥

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