Secret Feelings 11

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We got to the hospital in 45 minutes. Max carried me inside and Ross and Red told the lady at the front desk to get me a room stat.
Ross- she's all messed up!
Red- like really messed up. We think her leg is broken, her shoulder is grey, and she has a hole in her foot.
Lady- alright. *hands paper to Ross* go to room 808.
Ross- *takes paper* thanks!

Everyone ran to the room to see a chair that looked like a dentist chair with a small couch for others beside it. Max put me in the chair and sat down anxiously. I held out my hand for him to hold it and he took it. 2 doctors hurried in about 30 seconds later.
Doctor A- how is she?
Max- *bursts into tears* I DONT KNOW!
Doctor B- what happened?!
Doctor A- *unwraps bandages* ware are u comin from? *gives warm smile*
Ross- Roller Rink.
Doctor A- that's far isn't it?
Ross- mhm.
Max- she says her shoulder hurts.
Doctor A- *pulls down shirt sleeve to expose shoulder* does it hurt when I touch your shoulder? *touches shoulder*
Me- *puts head in knees and wraps arms around knees, cries and nods*
Doctor A- hey Doctor B? What do u think this is?
Doctor B- *looks at shoulder and backs away* that looks like Diyõria.
Doctor A- Diyõ---??? Oh. Uh oh. No no no... *backs away* I wouldn't touch her if I were you sir.
Max- *gives Doctor a look and keeps holding her hand* what's Diyõria?
Doctor- the rarest disease in the world. .01 people get it. But you only get it from a rare plant that grows in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Or illegal injection. But it normally kicks in in about 2 hours. Did u take any injections?
Me- I don't think so.
Max- wait. Didn't Drake slap you in the shoulder?
Me- yeah but it didnt hurt. It just stung.
Max- I found a needle on the floor at karaoke but I threw it away.
Me- Drake gave me a disease. Is there a cure?
Doctor B- I'm afraid not. 1 out of 10 people survive but only 20 people are known to of had it in human history.
Max- what about her foot?
Doctor B- *looks at foot* I think that she just stepped on a tack. *puts bandaid on foot* there. Done.
Ross- *gets angry* WHAT ABOUT HER LEG?!?!
Doctor A- it's cut.
Doctor B- *shoves Doctor A* lemme see. *scans cut with finger* only a knife could of made this.
Max- Drake didn't have a knife.
Me- *silent*
Max- Steph?
Me- *silent*
Max- why is your leg cut?
Me- it wasn't my fault. It was Melly.
Max- what did she do?! She's dead for all we know.
Me- at the party. We both went to the beach. She was going insane and cut me. She took my to a doctor and I got stitches and I was fine. After that was the Party and she couldn't stand looking at all of the innocent people she might hurt so she walked into the ocean and didn't walk back. When j tripped over Red the stitches ripped.
Doctor A- imma not even ask about the party...
Doctor B- well we can fix your cut. But your leg is broken. You'll need a wheel chair cause
crutches will put pressure on your shoulder. Max- are u sure there isn't a cure?
Doctor B- *looks at Doctor A* there is one.
Ross- WHAT IS IT?!?!
Doctor B- you have to cut off her shoulder. Which is including her arm. But she will get a mechanical replacement.
Me- *cries really hard* ok.
Max- do u really want to loose your arm?
Me- better than loosing my life.
Red- when can u do the surgery?
Doctor B- now if you want.
Me- ok.
Max- what's the chances of her surviving this?
Doctor B- about 60%
Me- ok.
Max- *looks at Steph* your gonna be okay. And how about after this. We go back to my place and do karaoke just for fun?
Doctor B- she'll be here for a few days. She can go home on Tuesday.
Max- but it's Friday! I can't go that long without her!
Doctor B- that's sweet. But she'll be ok. I'm 60% sure of it.

My Stupid Ginger { MithzanXreader }Where stories live. Discover now