Secret Feelings 12

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The surgery was long. 9 hours. They said to me, I died. But they resuscitated me. My arm has been shipped to do experiments and I will get a mechanical arm in about a month. I felt my shoulder. It wasn't there. It was just my chest and neck and my opposite arm. It felt like it was blown off but without blood. Or pain. It was sore and I could feel stitches, they said they shouldn't rip. They were secure. But I still had no shoulder. Or arm. When I left the room after three days (the first time I've seen Max scence my surgery) I had a white tank top and jean shorts with flip flops on with a pony tail. He just looked at me. Then his eyes filled with joyful tears. Then he ran and picked me up off the ground. I tried to hug him. But it was hard. It was hard to do just about anything now. I love you Stephanie. He whispered in my ear. I just cried into his shoulder. He knew I loved him too so he didn't say anything else. We just hugged. I asked him if my arm bothered him. He said no. I asked him if he would treat me different. He said unless I wanted him to. I asked him if he could take me home. He said yes. So we went home. He asked me if I wanted to go to my house or his. I said his. So we went.
Max held my hand the whole way to his house. He let me sit in the front with him and we talked the whole way.
Max- how was the food?
Me- sucky.
Max- you want me to make you pancakes?
Max- do u miss your arm?
Me- *looks at space ware arm should be* yes.
Max- do you regret the surgery?
Me- No.
Max- do u want me to shut up?
Me- No.
Max- you want me to keep talking?
Me- Yes please. *looks out window*
Max- are you okay?
Me- *shrugs*
Max- *puts hand on other shoulder* hey. It will be okay. You'll get a new arm soon okay? Everything will be fine. I promise. Do You wanna stay at my house for a couple of days?
Me- *starts to cry and nods then puts hand over face*
Max- Aw Steph. *pulls over and hugs Steph*
Steph- *leans into Max's chest and cries into it*
Max- *holds Steph's head and back* it's okay Steph. It's okay...
Steph- *keeps crying* why do u care so much Max?
Max- cause I love you.
Steph- why do u love me?
Max- why wouldn't I love you? Steph. I was saving this for tonight but I can't wait any longer.
He opened his car door, walked around the car and opened mine to let me out. So I walked out onto the road. Then he bent down.
Max- *takes out ring* Stephanie Mõntana? Will you marry me?
Steph- I stared at him in disbelief. Um....

My Stupid Ginger { MithzanXreader }Where stories live. Discover now