Chaptre 21: Scared

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(April's version)

"Lean forward," I instructed Brandon, holding a cushion in my hands. 

After we had rushed him into the nurses office, they had done all they could to stop the venom from entering his bloodstream. They were able to stop the poison but not the swelling of his foot. He was told to stay off his foot for a while; a while meaning nothing to Brandon. He just couldn't seem to comply. I'm not sure if he meant it teasingly but he always seemed to want to get up, only to have Haile and I shove him back forcefully. The teasing assumption coming from the fact that he could easily shove both of us away and get away with moving about.

We were in a safe house that Joe had relocated us to after running out of patience with the poor security IEA Univesrity offered us. After a hell storm of an argument with Principle Mags, Joe swept all four of us away to one of his safe houses close by. 

At the moment, Brandon was lounging on the settee avidly watching Xena The Warrior Princess with Haile sitting embarrassingly close beside him. 

Brandon wasn't one to complain but I knew how uncomfortable the settee was, hence my generous offer to place a cushion behind him to give some ease to his back. Though, nothing was wrong with his back.

"April! fmoombf awfoouta fwefyi," he managed through a mouthful of popcorns. I had to draw back slightly to avoid any of his spittle from hitting my face. Men .

"Ewwwww, swallow then speak,"Haley piped up from beside him. 

"April, move out of the way. I'm missing the best part!! Xena is having a cat fight with Callisto, come on. Move!" The amusement was clear in his voice but it didn't offer any help to my awkwardness. This was Haile's job to fuss over him. Why didn't she do anything, wasn't she worried? The thought was a mood dampener and Brandon hadn't even moved a bloody inch.

"No, first lean forward, so I can put this cushion behind you," I snapped. He groaned but leaned forward nonetheless.

Smiling at his reluctance, I placed the cushion behind him with some fuss pretending I was annoyed with him. Maybe he'd behave.

"Ooh..nice bra." Maybe not

"Pervert!!!" I growled. He just laughed along with Haile, the traitor that she is. Huffing angrily at them, I prayed they didn't notice how hot my face had become and was about to stalk away when Brandon reached for me. There went my grand exit 

"Watch with us." Surprise had me rooted there, staring at him like some sort of mentally challenged person. His searching eyes were sure to pick out the need in mine so I glanced away quickly, thinking up a reply. Why had he asked so gently? Why was he looking so serious? High school never ends.

"I'll get more pop corns!" Haile's sudden announcement only increased my fatigue and she blew out of the room before I could object. She wasn't worried that her boyfriend's ex was alone with him? Another round of fatigue hit me. Was she that convinced of his commitment to her? So many questions and the answer, all unpleasant.

I plumped down lazily beside him to watch television. The least I could do was show him how unaffected I was by his presence. I just hoped he didn't notice my goosebumps.

"So, I hear, Am's coming tomorrow," Brandon began casually.

"Yea, I'm picking her up from the airport," I replied and glanced at my watch. It was almost mid day. 

I had lunch plans with Johnathan. 

Fate had to have had one hell of a sense of humour because as soon as the though passed, the door opened.

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