Chapter 18: A Friend

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(April's version) 

I couldn't sleep. An unidentified bug was buzzing around near my ear and I swatted it with a little too much force necessary. As soon as it was eliminated, I resumed staring at my wall. On the other side of the wall, Brandon was with Haile'. On the other side of the wall, they were together. How sick! Had they no shame! This was my apartment too...

A knock interrupted my thoughts and for a second, fear jumped out at me. It took me a while to realise someone was at my door.

I jumped up, unconsciously patting down my pyjamas and took a deep breath. This was it. The confrontation I was gearing for.

I opened the door slowly, holding my breath, agitated but excited....except it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Hey!" Haile chirped and I blinked at her. I tried looking around her but no one was there except her.

"Where's Brandon" I blurted. As soon as the words were out, I leaned casually against the door trying to keep a careless expression.

"Probably dozing off already. I know it's been a long night.." she paused and looked at me pleadingly.

"Oh sorry. Yea, come in," I realized guiltily opening the door wider. Closing it behind her, I wondered what it was she wanted. I didn't want to talk to her. Not yet anyway.

"April, I know we're not exactly on speaking terms at the moment but I hope you know..I mean..." she paused, her eyes pleading at me. "We're still friends, am I right?" I didn't have to think twice.


"Well, alright then. I'm really concerned about you, you know?"

"I'm fine," I insisted. I couldn't find a way around Haile' at that moment. She knew enough to know I was with-holding something important to her. I just wasn't sure if she had connected the dots yet.

"The burglar is after you," Haile' surmised with questioning eyes. She connected the dots after all . 

"Yes," I confirmed, eyeing the door in fear of Brandon walking in. Or over-hearing us. He could not get it was that I was involved with. 

I saw Haile's eyes widen and I hastily sushed her, m index finger on my lips pleadingly. 

"I'm not sure..who it is..or what he wants," I tried to explain but Haile' was already on her feet pacing. 

"April," she whispered, her now pale face expressed her exasperation. "My word!" She sighed and shook her head, sending me worried glances now and again. "How could you keep this to yourself all this time???"

"I had to," I whispered back, fervently hoping she'd follow example. "People I love are in danger." She stopped pacing, her eyes wider than saucers.

"Have you been threatened?" she gasped. "No...did he threaten..your friends?" I managed a nod, afraid for Haile' knowing so much. Was I putting her into danger?

"We need the police..."

"No Haile!" Cringing at my outburst, I stared again at the bedroom door in fear. Even if it was locked, I didn't want anyone else knowing. No one else should be put in danger because of me. "Let me show you something." The brown envelope sat where I had left it, cold and taunting. I couldn't bring myself to touch it or even look at it. 

Understanding dawned on her as she leafed through the photographs in the folder.

"He has your family followed," she muttered painfully. 

"Haile', I really shouldn't be telling you this." I didn't want another envelope arriving with a picture of her...or Brandon. I couldn't allow them to go on the dartboard for me. No way. 

"Too late for that." Haile' rolled her eyes. "You're letting him win by not going to the police." I looked at her like she was crazy. My family and friends were being followed! Whoever this person was, she didn't doubt he'd hurt her loved ones if given the reason too. He could easily make good on his threat and the London Police, as apt as they were, could be too late. She couldn't take the chance...

Haile' wasn't convinced when I explained it to her.

"The police will be able to assess the situation and they'll come up with something that could protect you and your family. They'll be able to catch the perpetrator. Why do you think he's taken so much trouble in warning you against going to the police ?" She was making so much sense, I couldn't help frowning over the thought. "Honestly, April. This is all mental. Just go to the police. He'd be done for if you do that." I was already nodding in agreement.

"If I'm being watched..." I trailed off, wincing at how much could be done before he was caught.

"Take it from me, April." Haile' finally stopped her pacing and came to sit beside me. "I've been in this situation before. So has my mother. This is the right thing to do. With or without the police involved, you can't guarantee that your family and your friends are safe. He holds power over you either way. You need the police.

"Okay," I gave in. "First thing tomorrow morning." That earned a sigh of relief from Haile'. "Brandon doesn't need to know any of this," I added hastily. Haile' nodded. 

"It is not mine to tell," she whispered. The Brandon subject quickly put an awkward silence between us. I couldn't help the barrier that went up at his name. 

Haile' saw it as clearly as I did but didn't make a move to leave. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." I gave her a pleading look. She didn't object and stood up but not before I saw the sadness in her eyes. 

"Night, April." I couldn't reply. All I could think was Brandon. She was going back to Brandon.

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