Chapter 24: Confessions

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(April's version) 

"Are you excited?" Brandon asked. Startled, I glanced around the dark kitchen till I spotted the sheen of his golden hair at the head of the small counter. "Didn't mean to scare you," he said again. 

"Oh uh.." I rechecked my watch. "Gosh, it's 3.30am in the morning Brandon. What are you doing up?" I could almost hear his wry smile.

"I could say the same thing for you." That was when I spotted the slur in his voice. Confused, I moved over to him to see his face. Apart from his unkempt hair, he looked perfect. Except he was drunk. I could smell the slight stench of alcohol on him.

"What time are you picking Am up from the airport?" he asked. Could it get more awkward? Why was it awkward? "Stop frowning at me."

"Sorry," I said quickly, moving to the coffee maker. He needed coffee. "I haven't seen Am since graduation. I definitely can't wait to see her."

"Mmmm. Be sure to bring her by."

"Oh, we're allowed to bring her here?" I asked.

"Joe is driving you, he'll be able to bring her here without anyone following. Not that you have to worry about that with Johnathan in police custody." I winced at Johnathan's name, still not wanting to believe. Not Johnathan.

"Joe isn't driving. He'll be following in his SUV. I needed private time with Am."

Silent again.

"Brandon," I started at the same time he said my name. Silent again, we just stared at each other. 

Finally, he broke. I hadn't seen the pain in his eyes until he stood up and moved into the lighted part of the kitchen. Something inside me yearned to hug him but I couldn't. Not when we were so far apart. Figuratively of course. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" his voice was hoarse, his eyes pleading. I swallowed, slightly unsure of what he was talking about. "Why didn't you tell me that you were in danger? That all thiswas happening with Johnathan. I had to find out from someone else...but you. You didn't say anything."

"I couldn't," I almost whimpered. How could he jump all this on me now? "Brandon...I couldn't bring you into my problems. You and I were over, okay... It wasn't fair-"

"This isn't about our romantic relationship, April! What about our friendship? Tell me that you don't care for me as a friend? I still cared..obviously you didn't care enough to tell me, as a friend-"

"NOW THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I shot back, angry that he had turned turned the table against me. This wasn't my fault. I didn't want him involved in the first place because I CARED. How was I going to tell him that. "You were safe, Brandon. My friends and family were all being threatened except you. You were safe! Do you know how relieved I was just to know at least someone I cared for was okay."

"That's not your decision to make, April. You knew that sooner or later I'd be involved in this, you still wouldn't tell me anything. It drove me CRAZY to sit here and wonder what the hell was going on-"

"WELL YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME TO ENGLAND!" I had no idea I was shouting. "You should have just been in America and stayed safe there. You should have steered clear of me when you came to England. BUT NOOOOO. You just had to date my room mate and rub it in my face!"

"Don't bring Haile' into this," Brandon hissed angrily. "You wanted things to be over between us. This was YOUR call." I had no idea how the subject changed but I was too angry to care.

"YES Brandon! It was my call, but it hurt me so much to have to end it with you! I wanted you to be happy-"


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