Little Golden Pyramid

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapter last chapter. Hopefully this one will make up for it. Time to find out what was in Yugi's hot chocolate! I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please vote and leave comments. They are both immensely appreciated.


Yami bit his lip nervously; Yugi had found the extra ingredient in his hot chocolate. He watched as Yugi slowly lifted a small plastic golden pyramid out of his hot chocolate. The amethyst eyes glanced over at Yami quizzically before placing his mug on the end table next to him and turning the small object over in his hands to get a better look at it. He noticed a crease in the pyramid indicating that it was possible to open it.

He slowly lifted the lid; his eyes grew large; "Ra" he whispered breathlessly. His amethyst eyes looked up at Yami as his hand lifted to cover his wide gaping mouth. The brilliant amethyst glistened with the threatening tears. Yami's slender muscular form slid off the couch with ease as he knelt in front of Yugi taking one of youth's hands in his own, "Yugi," he began...

"Uh...guys..." Joey tried to get the attention of Tristan and Duke who were memorized by the movie and paid no attention to him. "Duke! Tristan!"

"What?" Tristan asked somewhat annoyed; looking over at Joey.

"What's up, Joey?" Duke asked also turning to face him.

"Look," Joey whispered pointing to Yami.

Yami swallowed as he looked down momentarily collecting himself and trying to steady his heartbeat before beginning again, "Yugi, I love you more than anything else in the world," a nervous smile crossed his lips. "Ever since I have seen you, my soul cried out; beckoning to be united with you as you are the other half of my soul. You are my soul mate, Yugi. I would be honored to spend the rest of my life satisfying all of your wants, needs, and desires." 

Yami gently reached for the open pyramid box laying in Yugi's other hand. The amethyst eyed youth could only watch the elegant and careful movements of his crimson eyed doppelganger. Yami removed a gorgeous golden ring from the box. The ring had intricate script on the underside of the band reading, "With love to my Aibou." He held the ring gently between his thumb and index finger as he took Yugi's left hand and positioned the ring near Yugi's ring finger. "Will you marry me, Yugi?"

Yugi gulped, tears flowed freely from his eyes as he gaped at the beautiful exotic being kneeling before him asking for his hand in marriage. Yami waited for Yugi's response, his cheeks growing red with every passing second; feelings of unease creeping up and threatening to consume him. Duke, Tristan, and Joey all watched in awe as their little buddy was proposed to. All of them waiting open mouthed for Yugi's response.

After several long agonizing seconds; each second feeling like an eternity to Yami, the amethyst eyes met the large crimson and Yugi nodded, "Yes, Yami. I will. I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with you."

Yami's eyes sparkled as he placed the ring onto Yugi's finger. Yugi was freely crying; not able to contain his happiness. Yami picked him up in a loving embrace before crushing his lips against Yugi's in a searing kiss that left the other three captivated. Breaking the kiss both Yami and Yugi were panting slightly. Joey, Tristan, and Duke ran over to them, forgetting the video playing in the background to congratulate their friends on their new engagement and to admire the beautiful gold ring that Yami had just slid on Yugi's finger.


Yami placed a stack of homework papers on his desk before walking towards the front of the class, "Alright class! Remember there is a final on Monday. It is not cumulative so relax and take a deep breath. You only need to cram material from the last half of the class." Yami chuckled. "Unfortunately, I will not be with you to administer the final. It will be given by a proctor." 

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