Chapter Twenty-Three: Bad News Arrives

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Unable to keep the smile from his face, Robb pressed a kiss to Sanira's stomach and thought about the baby that she was carrying; he couldn't believe that they were going to be welcoming their first child one day. 

He was so happy that Sanira was carrying his child right now and he couldn't help but think about the future with her and their child; it brought a bigger smile to his face. 

"You have to stop smiling," Sanira whispered brushing her fingers through his hair, she looked down at him with a smile; she was pleased that he had taken the news of her pregnancy so well. 

It seemed strange to think that there was someone growing inside of her, that would depend on Sanira until she had nothing left to give; she was hopeful that she would give Robb an heir that he deserved. 

The Stark-line rested on the child that Sanira carried, she wanted nothing more than to make sure that her pregnancy went well; she would do anything for it and she hoped that things were going to be alright. 

Robb shook his head and pressed another kiss to the flat stomach, he was so happy right now and he was sure that his parents would be thrilled to hear that Sanira was with child. 

"How do you feel?" Robb asked staring up at Sanira, she looked beautiful in the fire light that lit their chambers and he was glad that they had some peace and quiet right now. 

He couldn't remember the last time that he had been able to relax like this before everything feel apart; he wondered when things would be able to go back to normal for them all. 

"I'm fine," Sanira replied resting her head back on the pillow, she stared up at the ceiling and she hoped that things with the Lannisters would have settled down by then. 

Her dreams had been quiet as of late and Sanira was thankful for that, it allowed her to rest and focus on the child that she had been carrying.

Robb nodded his head, he was pleased that she wasn't waking up screaming anymore and he was hopeful that it would stay this way for the rest of her pregnancy; it was going to be hard enough without her night terrors. 

There was quite a bit of time before the baby was due and if Maester Luwin was right then the newest Stark would arrive in the New Year; something that the whole family would be able to celebrate. 

"We should get some sleep," Robb mused softly, it was pretty late and he wanted to get some sleep before they were disturbed by some duty that needed doing. 

He wasn't sure what was taking his mother so long to return, her business in the capital was over and her actions on the King's Road had caught quite a bit of attention. 

Taking a deep breath, Robb knew that things were going to be pretty intense after his mother's actions; it was causing trouble in the capital and had been the reason that Jaime Lannister had attacked his father when he had. 

Sanira watched Robb with a nod of her head, she couldn't remember the last time that they had been this relaxed and she hoped that things would stay this calm. 

She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen between the Starks and the Lannisters and Sanira hoped that nothing would happen; it was something that she truly feared. 

Robb kissed his wife before settling down in bed next to her, he was happy and content for the first time in weeks and he honestly couldn't wait until he got to meet his child for the first time. 

It was all going to be perfect and Robb just hoped that things would calm down soon; things were slowly starting to stir between his family and the Lannisters.

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