Healing the Sea Prince

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Co- writer Awl111

Chapter 3

Percy's Pov:

I don't understand am I dead, I'm not cold anymore. I don't know where I am. All I know is that I am lying down on a soft bed in a unfamiliar place. I tried to move but decided not too because I was too comfortable.

I didn't know how I got here but I wanted to leave. Because I didn't know who brought me here or why I was in this room. When I looked around I saw that I was in what looked like a hospital room. I wish mom was here.



I got to get out of here and find my mom. Maybe she was looking for me. But if those other people were looking for me still. I can't go back to the park and they find me. I started to get scared and cry.

"Easy little one you're safe here. No one will hurt you I promise," A women voice spoke.

I felt something wet touch my forehead. When I looked up I saw that it was a wet washcloth.

"Who are you? Where am I," I asked.

When she moved closer I backed because I didn't want to be near her. Not after what Gabe did and plus she could be working for him.

She smiled gently at me "Don't get too worked up or your fever will go higher. You're sick, just rest as I said no one will hurt you anymore Percy,"

"H-H-H- How do you know my Na-" before I could finish I felt pressure in my arm and I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Percy,"

Apollo Pov

Sometimes I wonder if I'm working with adults or children. Percy had woken up but was freaking out due to being somewhere new so I had to give him medicine to make him go to sleep. Zeus wanted to talk to me so Amphrite was in the room.

After my meeting with Zeus I went back to my palace and just sat down when I heard the most heartbreaking cry. I heard Amphrite trying to wake him but couldn't so the poor kid kept screaming.

Percy Pov:

***Percy's dream***

I looked around and saw that I was my apartment. The house looked like a hurricane went through it. Everything was thrown everywhere and all the pictures were broken lying on the ground everywhere. There was an eerie feeling to the house.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. When I turned around I came face to face with GABE! I looked around trying to find mommy but I didn't see her anywhere.

"Hello Percy we are done playing your games, you can't hide from me forever, I will find you, and you won't be able to escape me ever," he said, "I'm always watching you, so just give up."

"Percy run get out of here," I heard a women voice scream. When turned around I saw that it was my mom.

Mom started to disappear so did Gabe. The house became deadly silent before Gabe walked out from outside. He slowly wobbled towards me with a smirk on his face and a bloody knife.

I heard a hoarse voice telling me run.

" you can never escape me Percy," laughed Gabe," I'm everywhere and I see everything, when I do find you, you won't be my problem anymore and you will have fun going where your mommy is right now,"

"NO!" I screamed as his hand reached for my neck. I started to cry but Gabe started to disappear. I heard someone calling my name at first I thought it was mom but then I realized that it was a man voice.

*** Out of his dream****

Apollo Pov:

I raced down the hall to see the most heartbreaking sight Percy was crying out for help.

"Percy wake up," I yelled trying to shake him awake

"Please don't hurt me," he cried

"Percy I'm not going to hurt you my name is Apollo," I introduced myself

"How do I know if I can trust you," Percy asked me

"Because I am friends with you mom it's a long story and I will tell you when you are feeling better," he just nods at me and laid back down watching me.

Percy seemed to have calmed down. His fever was just starting to break so that was a good sign. I gave him some books and toys to keep him occupied. I told him I will be right back and he just nods his heads and goes back to playing with the toys.

I walked out and headed towards the throne room to tell Zeus that Percy was awake.

Zeus Pov:

Some of the gods were getting impatient to why Apollo called a meeting. My thoughts were interrupted when he flashed in.

"The boy is awake," he said," but let him rest he's still sick and probably frightened," he quickly said when the gods started to get up.

"But" I started knowing it was a bad idea fighting with my son who's the god of medicine

"Let him rest the poor kid is sick," was his quick reply

"Alright," I sighed sitting back down on my throne.

Percy Pov:

When I woke up I saw Apollo checking on me. Once he saw that I was awake he smiled and started to ask me questions.

"How are you feeling," Apollo said

"Better, "I muttered

"That's good," he said

He told me that everything will be explained to me later and he asked me if I wanted to meet my dad. I was confused because mom told me that he was lost at sea. Apollo walked out and came back in after a couple of minutes with a man and women. I knew the women but the man looked familiar. He had the same hair and eye color as me.

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