Cheeky Cream

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"You're so boring, I'd rather be sitting in this cosy booth with my dead hamster rather than you right now." Mel crossed her arms over her chest, her ice cream was beginning to melt, which pissed me off as I had paid six fucking dollars for the fancy bastard Sunday.

"Mel, don't bring your dead hamster into this. That's just vile. And as for being boring, I'm really sexually frustrated, apologies okay?" I grimaced at the thought of a fat ginger little thing laying on its back lifeless. I rubbed my crotch, trying to hide the semi I was trying to keep on a low.

"Yeah whatever." She rolled her big blue eyes. I noticed she wasn't wearing any makeup today whatsoever, I preferred her that way, she was definitely a natural beauty.

I licked my lips seductively, trying to get her attention. She was currently sat opposite me in the booth- staring out into the window instead of my gorgeous brown eyes. Like c'mon, we all know what the nicest view is surely.

I playfully nudged her ankle under the table with my shoe, I felt her nudge underneath the table before glaring at me.

"Eat it baby." I softly encouraged, pretending to pick up a spoon and swallow.

"Ha-ha, very funny. I'm not a child, I'll eat it when it goes a bit softer, it's too hard at the moment." She explained.

"That's not the only thing that's hard." I muttered, smirking at the end of my sentence.

"Oh shut up, I heard that." She began to giggle, obviously she found my joke funny, although to be fair- I wasn't joking.

I flashed my teeth at her, giving her a dazzling movie star smile. "Come here baby doll." I said lowly, huskily. I wanted her to be as turned on as I was.

"We're in public." She put her hands over her mouth and blushed bright red.

I chuckled at her innocence. "So?" I replied cheekily. What was her point? Public foreplay was risky- but that makes it even better.

"Okay, budge up." She motioned with her hands for me to scoot up to give her enough room to slot herself in next to me.

She sat down on the edge of the seat, and I skimmed my hand around her waist, pulling her further against me. Cupping her face in my hands, I bent my head down and gave her a low, slow kiss. My hands began to roam the sides of her body as my mouth captured hers in a combination of want, need and lust.

My tongue entwined with hers, each heated stroke of our muscles touching made the kiss even more sexual than intended, and made me want to lay her delectable body on the table- it was just a huge shame that we were sat in a shitty little diner.

I felt her inexperienced hand roam up my leg until they skimmed effortlessly up my inner thigh, reaching to my crotch. I made sure she knew exactly how turned on I was by moving my lips down to her jawline, leaving feathery kisses towards her collarbone before inhaling in her almost sickly sweet scent. I nearly gagged from how sweet it was, I told her not to over do the Jimmy Choo- she never listens.

"You smell amazing." I lied, but I still wanted a hand job, so it was important to keep her sweet.

"Mm, thank you baby." She giggled.

I felt her hand slide over my crotch and I was internally begging her to slip her hand down my jeans. I needed to show her how much I wanted her if I was going to get something good out of this experience.

I allowed my hand to travel over her breasts and down the sides of her body before lightly dragging my hand in between her legs. With my index finger, I poked at the sheer lace of her thong before ever so slightly parting the thin fabric, in order for my fingers to slowly begin to massage her moist core, my thumb skirting over towards her little bean as I moved my fingers in sync.

Melanie's lips parted as she let out a quiet moan from what I was doing to her. I picked up the tempo of my fingers which were working their sweet magic on her pussy, whilst moving my lips further up her neck, my eyes scanning behind her to make sure that nobody was peeking into the booth. All clear.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I felt a warm, soft hand move into my boxers and grab my huge, now fully erected shaft. She turned her body inwards so that she was now facing me, in order to block any view of people seeing what we were doing. I managed to find a blind stick which was supposed to block in any unwanted sunlight, but I think we all knew what those were really for.

Her hand began to move up and down, penetrating me ever so firmly yet slowly, which was driving me insane- but hey, it least she finally managed to locate my penis right? I honestly thought I'd be waiting here until Christmas until she eventually hit the jackpot and found the reason why I needed her sat next to me in the first place.

"Faster baby, just do it." My eyes locked with hers, and she nodded her head before picking up the pace and began to really go for it. Her tossing skills were actually pretty great, it made me wonder whether she had lied about even being a virgin, I started to narrow my eyes at her. She was fucking good at this, I wonder if it ran in the family, cough Sophie Bentley.

When I felt myself about to cum, I took my fingers out of her and noticed that she had came too, I love being in sync, it does make the session more intense. I popped my fingers into my mouth to taste her.

Next thing, Mel bopped her head down as I felt myself oozing and her lips were wrapped around my head, lapping up every drop of my cream. "Fuck." I groaned, it was such a turn on to have girl who can swallow. I wonder if her mom swallows or spits.

Mel grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped the corners of her mouth before pulling her skirt back down and hopping back into her side of the booth.

"That was so good." She grinned and her eyes sparkled from how much she clearly enjoyed herself.

"Yes, now hurry up and eat your ice cream so I can drop you off home." I said impatiently, looking at my watch.

Melanie grumbled before beginning to pick up her spoon and eat her ice cream. Greedy slag, that's two lots of cream you've had today.

I was really looking forward to dropping Mel off, I've had enough of her today, she says I'm more boring than her dead hamster? Well she isn't exactly a fun time on Crash Bandicoot either.

If I'm honest, I was dreading facing her mom again, after last time. I really ought to apologise for upsetting her, she was only looking out for her daughter, unlike some of the girl's I've slept with in the past- their moms are either just as sketty as them or don't give a shit, like seriously I shagged this lass called Rachel a couple of times and I always remembered her mother stood in the doorway with a fag in her hand and a low cut murky tank top on, if it was back in England, I'm sure she would be on all the benefits that she could get her dirty paws on. Anyway, I made a joke with her, saying that I was taking Rachel down to the canal for our 'date' and in all seriousness her mom replied with, 'fuck her wherever you like son, just make sure to dry off properly before you put your clothes back on.' I honestly didn't know what to fucking say.

I was so relieved when Sophie pinned me up against the wall, she could see right through me and I fucking love it, I love a challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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