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"You're amazing." Melanie giggled, as she lightly pecked my lips. "I mean seriously, thank you. For dinner." She added, her expression faltered into a more serious one.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, and nuzzled my face in her neck. "The pleasure was all mine." I whispered, as my hands skimmed further down, my fingertip had just brushed against her butt. "Pleasure." I whispered seductively in her ear. Just as I was about my roam my hands further, so they could cup Melanie's luscious bottom, we were sadly interrupted.

"Melanie. Inside, now."

We turned around whilst Melanie was still in my arms to face a barely clothed Ms Bentley. Well unfortunately that wasn't quite true, she had a black satin nightgown on, and her blonde hair was tied into a messy bun on top of her head. Her bright blue eyes glaring daggers into my own.

"Mom!" Melanie gritted her teeth, clearly annoyed that her mother interrupted our quiet time. Quite frankly, I was too, but then again, it was a fine sight to see Ms Bentley dressed the way she was. Knowing full well that she most likely wore nothing underneath. Although I silently hoped that she would be wearing some sort of lace thong and matching stockings damn those were sexy.

"Don't 'mom' me, I need to talk to your boyfriend, alone." She folded her arms across her chest, in an 'obey me or else' manner. This action also made her cleavage more visible, giving me a little show.

Melanie stomped her foot against the concrete, then spun on her heel to look at me. She pressed her hands against my chest, gripping my tee shirt. She puckered her lips into a pout which reminded me of a duck, and I tried to look away without seeming to look un flattered.

"MELANIE!" Her mother yelled, clearly getting pissed off. I was rather relived, it gave me an excuse to not kiss Daisy the fucking duck.

Melanie gave me a sweet grin before rolling her eyes. "Bye baby." She giggled, before pecking me on the cheek and skipping off but she didn't bother hiding the glare at her mom.

The front door slammed shut and Melanie's mom raised her finger and curled it towards her, signalling for me to approach her.

I smiled a lazily smile before stalking towards her. "Is my daughter drunk?" She asked calmly yet assertively, her tone was dripping with venom as her eyes possessed daggers that dug straight into my soul. I felt the gust of wind knock me back a step or two, or was that just Ms Bentley intimating me?
"Of course not." I muttered, trying my best to avert my eyes away from her blue ones and staring down at my feet in guilt. Wait, guilt? I didn't even get her drunk anyway. She had one drink, she insisted. So why the hell do I feel so damn guilty?

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." She placed two fingers on my jaw and gently lifted my head so that I was face to face with hers. I swallowed nervously.

"Where did you take my daughter this evening?" She asked with a brooding, questioning stare.

"We went to that small Chinese restaurant a few blocks down, near that gaming store. Uh, and we shared some food, and I let her have a glass of prosecco ma'am. But that's all, I promise she's just a bit giggly. But I didn't drink, I'm driving of course." I began to worry as I felt sweat trickle down my forehead. Ms Bentley raised a finely waxed eyebrow at me. "Ma'am." I quickly rushed out, remembering I had to be polite.

Ms Bentley didn't bother to hide her murderous glare at me. She looked as though she was debating on whether or not to invite me in as she slowly pushed the door behind her wider, giving me a glimpse of her hallway which was decorated with cream photo frames which held from what I could only assume was family pictures.

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