Lights Out

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The microwave made that familiar ringing sound which meant that the popcorn was ready. Hope had been eagerly waiting next to the counter watching it pop and crackle, with the biggest grin on her face. Movie nights had become a regular occurrence in the Swan-Jones household now that Hope was old enough to sit through the entire thing. Emma and Killian used to have their regular Wednesday night movie nights before their daughter was born, but they quickly ended once they had a screaming baby to take care of.
Tonight, Hope had chosen to watch inside out. They had been to see it in the movie theater once it was release and Hope had announced that it was 'her favorite movie ever, better than all the rest'. So naturally, now that it was available on Netflix, the family just had to watch it!
"Okay Hope, sit down, I'll bring the popcorn over to you" Emma said taking out a bowl from the cupboard. Hope jumped down from the stall and ran over to the couch where Killian was already sitting, his feet resting on the coffee table in front of him. She curled into his side and tucked her feet underneath her. Not long after Emma joined them with the bowl of popcorn.
"Ready?" Killian asked putting his arm around his daughter and lacing his fingers between Emma's. Emma smiled and picked up the remote and Hope giggled excitedly.


Thirty minutes into the movie the popcorn had been devoured and Hope was watching the screen attentively. Emma looked over at her daughter and laughed silently at how consumed she was by the characters in the movie, Hope would tell Emma that she too had Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Worry working in her head. Emma looked up at Killian, he too was looking at the screen; however she could tell he wasn't watching. Killian's eyes drooped and began to close, but every time his head dropped he would startle awake. Emma placed her hand on his thigh and stroked him gently. Killian looked down at her and smiled.
"Go to sleep Killian" Emma said, letting him know that it was okay, that he didn't have to watch the whole movie. Killian smiled and placed his hand on top of Emma's. He was about to answer when suddenly it became completely dark and all the power went out, which was shortly followed by a high pitched scream from Hope.
"Sshh, sshh, it's okay, it's just a power outage, the lights will come back on soon lass, I promise" Killian said trying to comfort his crying daughter, without actually being about to see her. Killian felt around and managed to pick Hope up and place her onto his lap. "Mommy?" Hope questioned, trying to figure out where everyone was. "I'm right here kido" Emma replied searching for her daughters hand until she found it. They sat there for a few minutes waiting for the power to come back on and trying to stop their daughter from crying when Killian had an idea. He placed Hope onto Emma's lap and carefully got up from the couch, feeling his way to the kitchen. "Killian, what are you doing?" Emma asked. Killian found his way to the draw next to the refrigerator and rummaged around "looking for a flash light, ah found it!" he exclaimed. He turned it on a walked back over to the couch. "I have an idea" he said grinning. Emma rolled her eyes, this can't be good, she thought to herself. Killian walked over to the bin next to the TV where they kept all the spare blankets and pulled three of the biggest ones out. Emma and Hope watched in confusion as he laid on out, covering the kitchen table and put the other too on the sides, weighted down with a few heavy books. Emma was confused, but clearly, Hope was not "A blanket fort!" she exclaimed happily and wiped the remaining tears from her face. Killian smiled "Come over her, both of you, and bring all the pillows!" he said lighting their way with the flashlight.
All three of them climbed into the fort and Killian set the flash light down on the floor facing upwards so that everyone could see each other. "So, who wants to tell the first story?" he asked looking at both of her girls. After a moment of silence Emma suggested that Killian started.
"Hmm okay, which story should I tell first... Oh I know a good one! A couple of years before you were born, your mother and I were at the station when she got a call from Leroy, you know Leroy right?" Killian checked. Hope nodded and carried on listening attentively. "Well, Leroy called and said that your mother had to get down to the town line, fast. So naturally, we got there as quick as we could, and do you know what we found?" he asked. Hope shook her head. Killian paused for a moment " Bashful and Doc had gotten themselves stuck in the tallest tree, upside down!" . Hope laughed and the sound of her happiness filled Killian's heart with joy.
"Okay, I've got a story" Emma said crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap. Your dad and I were taking a trip on the Jolly once, when I was pregnant with you ; I was trying to tie a knot for one of the sails and your father must have thought that I couldn't do it or something because he took over. Will more fool him because he was trying so hard to impress me that he fell over board and I had to rescue him!" Emma chuckled, looking over at Killian, who's cheeks had gone a light shade of pink.
Killian was about to tell another story when all the lights came back on and the sound of 'Inside Out' started blaring from the TV again. "Yay! The movie!" Hope shout with joy as she clambered out from underneath the table and ran towards the couch.
Emma and Killian sat still underneath the table for a moment, just smiling at each other before Killian leaned in, lacing his fingers in Emma's hair and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips.
"Mommy, daddy, are you coming?" they heard Hope call. They pulled apart slowly and climbed out from underneath the table to finish watching the movie.

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