Bed Bound

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Emma sat in bed, propped up by an array of pillows surrounded by screwed up tissues. She had been sick for a few days now, but today she just didn't have it in her to go to work. The lights were dimmed and the curtains were still drawn. She could hear Killian downstairs, rummaging around in the draws and cupboards and if she listened very carefully she could hear Hope humming away to her favorite song. They must be making breakfast.

She must have drifted back to sleep because the next thing she knew, she was feeling the familiar shaking of her daughter waking her up from a peaceful slumber. "Mommy, mommy, look! We made you breakfast!" Hope squealed, jumping up onto the bed. She took her place next to Emma and slipped her legs under the covers. Killian placed the tray onto Emma's lap and smiled, leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Feeling any better love?" he asked, taking a seat at the end of the bed. Emma shook her head "not really" she sighed. "Mommy look! we made you pancakes and strawberries and -" Hope was about to finish her sentence when the juice on the tray knocked over an spilt everywhere. She gasped "sorry mommy!" hope apologised hiding her face. Emma giggled a little bit " it's okay kid, at least it didn't get on the pancakes!" she said handing her daughter one, followed by Killian. Emma sat there, feeling sick as a dog but felt so happy to be surrounded by people she loved, and loved her in return.

"Oh Swan, I almost forgot, I brought you the medication you required, but I seem to have left it downstairs, I'll go and grab it" Killian said jumping swiftly off the bed before running out the door. Emma turned to Hope who was happily eating the pancake Emma had given her. "So what are you and daddy going to do today? Emma asked. Hope thought for a moment and then swallowed her mouth full. "I think, we're going to the dock to check up on the Jolly and then going to see Henry" She said taking another bit of the delicious treat. "Sounds like fun" Emma said picking up her own pancake and taking a bit. To Emma's dismay, the pancake was cold, this made her laugh even more, could anything else go wrong?

Just then Killian returned with a small box of medicine for Emma. "Here you are love, medication to make you well once more!" Killian said happily presenting her with the pills. Emma took the box from his hand and looked at the packaging. She sighed "Killian, these aren't the right ones!" she said trying not to sound annoyed. She was grateful for everything they had done for her this morning by she really needed those pills. Killian could see the pain in Emma's eyes and began to feel guilty that her couldn't do more for her. "I'm sorry love" he said rubbing her back softly. Emma sighed "it's okay, it's not a big deal". Killian tilted his head "no, no, let me go and get you the correct ones, Hope, it appears I might need your assistant lass" Hope grinned, she loved doing just about anything with her father, she jumped up so she was standing on the bed and ran into Killian's arms. "Get some more rest and we'll be back in no time, with your medication" he smiled closing the door with this hook.

Emma put the breakfast tray on the floor next to the bed and curled back under the covers, she closed her eyes and was asleep in minutes.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been super super busy with life and things. Please don't forget to vote and comment on this one shot for more!

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