Getting By

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Chapter 18: Getting By

I could only avoid Draco until Defense Against the Dark Arts on Thursday. I sat with the Slytherins again. I did not want Pansy thinking she had gotten to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her sitting with Draco. Meanwhile, I took a seat next to Vincent. Luckily, he did not notice anything was wrong with me. I was great at hiding my emotions.

I had almost made it out of the room at the end of class when I felt someone pull me back by my arm. "We need to take," Draco hissed in my ear.

I hesitated. This was true. I just hated confrontation. Reluctantly, I whispered back, "After dinner."

Draco let go of my arm and walked after the Slytherins like nothing had happened. I let out a breath I had not realized I had been holding. I felt uneasy. By this time, the Gryffindors had reached the door.

"Are you ok, Crystal?" Hermione asked.

"I'm fine," I said. I forced myself to walk out of the room with her. "I'm just tired. And hungry."

Hermione looked at me skeptically. I was glad when she didn't say anything more. I walked with her, Ron, and Harry to dinner.

Despite my claims of hunger, I was not able to eat much. I had to force myself not to look over at the Slytherin table. When enough time had passed, I excused myself and slowly made my way to the Room of Requirements. My heart was heavy as I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Crystal," Draco said, rushing to my side. "I can explain."

"Ok," I said in a steady voice. I crossed my arms and stepped away from him. "Explain."

"You're overreacting," Draco said. "You know we have separate lived when we are not together."

I narrowed my eyes. "That does not mean you can go date some other girl," I said in a low growl. Really, who did he think he was?

"I have an image to keep up!" Draco said rather loudly. "It's expected that I date a Slytherin. Pansy came onto me. It would have been suspicious if I would have rejected her."

"I'm sure you could have thought of something," I snapped. "You just wanted to take the easy way out."

"I'm doing the best I can," Draco said. He seemed frustrated. "I don't like hiding either."

"Then don't!" I exclaimed. "Tell everyone the truth. I'm tired of all this sneaking around and pretending not to care. My whole point with the first years was that we shouldn't have to do that! It might be difficult at first, but we could really change the school for the better."

"No!" Draco growled. "We can't do that."

"Are you ashamed of me?"

"The houses need to be separate," Draco said. "That's the way it's always been and the way it's always going to be."

"Then why are you even with me?" I challenged. "Neither of us is practicing what we really believe. I can't take it anymore. We either have to come clean or stop seeing each other."

"They can't know," Draco said gruffly. "You knew what you were getting into. You chose this."

I faltered. He was right. Perhaps I did not have a right t complain. This was my fault. Well, it was time to set things straight. "Then I guess it's time I fix it," I said. "Goodbye, Draco." I turned and stormed out of the room, not waiting to see his reaction.

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