Finding a Rhythm

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Chapter 64: Finding a Rhythm

"What are you so happy about?" Ginny asked at breakfast the next morning.

I blinked. I realized I had been smiling; it was too hard to try to hide it, so I just shrugged. "Do I need a reason to be happy?"

Ginny stared at me. "You've been depressed since last summer. Have you made up with Draco?"

This caused me to frown. "No," I said regretfully.

Ginny eyed me thoughtfully. "You did not actually talk to Snape, did you?"

"Yes, I did," I replied. The smile returned.

Ginny, however, looked horrified. "Crystal! He is not a good friend for you."

"You're wrong," I said. "We're obviously not going to come to an agreement about this issue, so let's just let it go."

"I just don't want you to end up hurt."

My expression softened as I looked at her. "I know. I'll be fine." I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder. "Well, this will be interesting."

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Dark Arts," I said.

"Good luck," Ginny said, offering me a sympathetic smile.

I nodded. "Thanks." I was not exactly sure what was going to happen, but I was ready for anything.

The room was even more dark and uninviting than the previous year. I tried not to look at anything as I took a seat in the back next to Neville. The same students who had filled the room last year were there now; it was probably a requirement for those who passed their OWLS to take this class.

"Hello, Crystal," Neville said in a low voice.

I glanced at him. "Hey." I did not dare say anything more. I stared at my desk until I heard Amycus Carrow's voice:

"The Dark Arts are essential for survival in this world." His voice was deep and harsh. I looked up and saw him pacing back in forth at the front of the room. "There is no place for the weak. You must learn to attempt. I will give you the skills you need."

"Aren't we going to learn how to defend ourselves?" a Ravenclaw girl asked.

Carrow looked at her sharply. "If you do as you are told, you will have no need. The best defense is a strong offense."

"I think the saying is 'the best offense is a strong defense,'" I said without realizing I had spoken. I could not help it; he was messing up a perfectly good sports quote!

Carrow turned to me with narrowed eyes. "Who are you?"

"Crystal Hansen," I said suddenly feeling uncomfortably. I saw Draco shoot me an angry look, but I just looked away.

Carrow strolled down the aisle until he was standing in front of my table. "Ah, I thought you looked familiar. You were on the tower during the battle at the end of last year, weren't you?"

Neville looked at me in surprise; obviously, he had not been aware of this particular fact. "What were you doing there?" he asked.
"Yes, what were you doing?" Carrow repeated.

I clutched the edges of my chair with my hands as I tried to think of a good response. Why had I not planned better? "I was... curious," I finally said in a surprisingly calm voice.

"A Gryffindor?" Carrow said, sounding slightly surprised.

I crossed my arms and shrugged. Somehow, I was able to look up at him without any fear. "I'm not your typical Gryffindor. I see things... differently than everyone else. Just ask anyone here." I saw a few nods and murmurs of agreement. "I like to keep my options open." I hoped this was vague enough to work for my purposes.

Carrow quirked an eyebrow. "I see. You will do fine in this class. It will give you a chance to prove yourself." With that, he turned around and strode back to the front of the classroom.

I focused straight ahead. I did not want to see the look I felt Neville giving me; I knew it was one of disappointment.

I tried to get out of there quickly at the end of class, but Neville caught up with me. "What was that all about?" he asked. "I thought you were on our side."

I shrugged. "I'm just trying to survive."

"Did they teach you that?" Neville nodded at several Slytherin students who passed us.

I frowned. "Maybe. But it's not self-interested; I'm doing it for the sake of others."

Neville opened his mouth to reply, but before nay words came out, Draco appeared and roughly pushed him out of the way. "Move, Longbottom," he growled.

I glanced at Draco with raised eyebrows. "You know, if you want me to stick with Gryffindors, you shouldn't get rid of them when they talk to me."

Draco ignored this. "Why did you pull that stunt back there?"

"I'm sorry, would you prefer I rebelled and got punished?" I shook my head. "I don't know what you want."

"Just stay out of this," Draco said.

I found myself irritated with the way he thought he could still tell me what to do. "Look, if you don't want us to be together, then you have forfeited your right to give me your opinion on the choices I make. Now leave me alone." I sped up to walk past him, leaving him looking even unhappy than when he had found me. Luckily, he did not follow me. But Neville did.

"What was that about?" he asked as he caught up to me.

"He didn't think through the consequences of his choices," I answered. "I have, though."

Neville frowned. We were nearing the doors that led outside. "What were you doing on the astronomy tower?"

"It's a long story," I said, "and I don't feel like telling you."

"Come on," Neville said. "I thought we were friends."

I held the door open for him as we made our way out into the daylight. "Yes, but this is personal. Stop bugging me." I was grateful that Herbology would be starting soon, even though it was my least favorite class. "Why am I even taking this class?" I muttered as I found a spot.

"It can be helpful for potions," Neville replied.

I did not reply. I liked him, but eight now, I wished he would just leave me alone.


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