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Chapter 61: Choices

Everyone at the wedding ended up being fine. Those who were left behind were interrogated by the Death Eaters about Harry's whereabouts, but nothing came out of it. The Weasley family was put under surveillance, though they were allowed to continue with life as normal.

I found myself alone most of the time again. What was there to do? It was the Saturday after the wedding, and my whole family was home. I stayed in my room, alternating between staring out my window and petting Snowflake.

There was a knock at the door. I did not bother answering because I knew whoever it was would come in anyway. Sure enough, I looked to see George step through. Snowflake raced over to greet him.

"Hey, Snowflake," George said with a smile, pending down to pet the cat. He glanced up at me. "Do you want to take a walk?"

I merely nodded. I needed to get out of the house.

We made our way out to the muggle part of London. I understood what Draco had meant those years ago; this was a good place to get lost and forget about troubles at home. George and I walked in silence for awhile. Some people would stare at George's missing ear, but he did not seem bothered by it; he joked about it when he could. I did not crack a smile, though.

"Where's Fred?" I asked out of a need to say something.

"Back at the shop," George said. "We're trying to get things going again after everything that's happened."

"Good luck."

"Thanks." He paused. "How have you been holding up?"

"Not great," I admitted. "It's the same old story. Just when I think I've gotten used to how things are, something else hits to send me back to the dark." I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry," George said softly.

"I just want this war to end," I muttered.

"Same here," George said. "I've got too many family members that could get hurt. And now that Ron has run off..."

I looked at him in sympathy. I could understand where he was coming from. I would probably be going crazy too if my sibling was off doing something to defeat Voldemort. "I just want school to start," I said. Then maybe things would get better. At least, I would be around the people I needed to be near. I could come up with a plan.

George was silent for a minute. Then he said, almost hesitantly, "Crystal, what were you doing on the astronomy tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore?"

I glanced at him in surprise. Had I not told anyone that? Now that I thought about it, I had explained how I had gotten there, but I had never explained why I felt compelled to follow those Death Eaters up to the tower. "I – I had to be there," I said. My walking had slowed, but I did not come to a stop. "I knew Draco would be there. I had to be there for him."

George's eyes grew wide. He stopped talking and turned to face me. "Wait, you knew?"

"I – I didn't know he would be there, but I assumed when I saw the Death Eaters run up there," I said. I swallowed. "Harry knew, which is why he had the DA patrolling."

"You knew Malfoy was supposed to Kill Dumbledore?"

I looked away and shifted uncomfortably. "More or less, yes." Why was he acting like this? I did not like it.

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