Chapter Five: Assignments

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Banece put off speaking to her brother until the next morning; even then she waited until after breaking her fast.

She waited outside of his private receiving chamber as his steward announced her.

“You may go in, my lady.” The older man informed her as he opened the door to let her pass him.

“Thank you, Henley.” She said with a kind smile as she brushed passed the man and waited until he closed the door behind her.

Once the door was firmly shut she abandoned all pretense of formality.

“Good morning, Alrali.” She said cheerfully as she glided across the room to kiss her brother on the cheek.

“Banece,” he replied suspiciously as he narrowed his eyes. “What ever could you possibly want this early in the day?”

“What make you think I want something.” Banece asked as she flopped onto one of Alrali’s luxurious couches.

“Because, my dear, sweet, baby sister,” Alrali responded as he nudged her feet aside so he could sit beside her. “I know you too well.”

“Yes, I suppose you do.”

Finally, after a long moment of silence, Alrali lifted a brow causing Banece to sigh deeply.

“As you know, I went to market yesterday.”

“I had not known, but please, do continue.” Alrali said, his tone of voice causing Banece to purse her lips.

“Well I went to market,”

“So you’ve said.”

“Oh hush, I went to market and brought home a couple of, well…” Banece trailed off.

“A couple of what?” he asked, playing along. He already knew where this conversation was going, but he was ever optimistic that perhaps she wouldn’t say what he thought she was going to say.

“Oh nothing really, just a few new slaves.” She said dismissively as she eyed her brother under her lashes, waiting to see his reaction.

Ominous silence filled the room as Alrali’s shoulders tensed and his normally golden skin turned red with anger.

“Alrali?” Banece said as she poked at him with an outstretched finger.

“You did what!” he exploded as her finger made contact with this arm.

“I bought a pair of slaves.” She repeated and leaned away as her brother started to make a rumbling noise in his chest.

“You spent your allowance on new slaves after I specifically told you not to buy any more.”

Banece pretended to think for a moment before saying, “Yes, I needed a new maidservant.”

Alrali let out a great roar as he stood up. Banece watched dispassionately as her brother stormed around his room.

"That only explains one new slave! Not two!"

He was shouting something but Banece had learned years ago not to pay any attention to him when he was throwing one of his tantrums.

When he finally finished he collapsed onto the couch next to Banece. Sensing defeat, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you for understanding, you are truly my favorite older brother.”

“I am your only older brother, Banece.”

She smiled brightly at him. “True, that is why you are my favorite.” Banece got up to leave but paused in the doorway. “You should come by and meet the girls. I think you shall find the one particularly interesting.” And with that she left Alrali alone with his thoughts.

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