Chapter Eight: Dinning with the Royal Family

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Back in her room, Ashonee managed to keep herself occupied for a little while. But it was still a few more hours until the evening meal so she decided to tidy up the room a bit. Ashonee started by making the beds.  She was astounded that she had managed to be alive for fifteen years and had never before made her own bed. But, as she was finding out in this strange new place, there were quite a few things that she’d never done on her own before.

After both beds and every surface in the room looked presentable, Ashonee moved onto working on the embroidery that Marri had been able to procure for her. She had been so eager to comply with such a simple request and almost immediately had procured a small sewing kit.

Ashonee sat on a stool under the window and methodically stitched tiny red flowers around the edge of a black tunic that she had found amongst the clothing Banece had told her was hers to share with Leilelle.

Thinking of her friend, Ashonee glanced at the door and frowned. The other girl had been gone for quite some time and Ashonee was starting to worry. Knowing that there was nothing she could do but wait for her to return from Banece’s side, Ashonee ignored the tense feeling in the pit of her stomach warning her that something was wrong.

A little while later there was a knock on her door. Rising, Ashonee answered it and found one of the men who’d escorted her to the royal dining chamber earlier.

“It is time for the evening meal.” He said softly. It was the first time Ashonee had heard him speak. His voice was gentle and deep.

“Thank you, give me a moment,” she said and turned away. Pausing, she looked over her shoulder and into the man’s eyes and added, “Please.”

Without waiting for a response, Ashonee walked over to the single mirror in the room and looked at her reflection. She carefully tidied her hair and straightened her tunic before crossing back to the door.

“I am ready now.” She said softly and stared up at the man.

He nodded brusquely and led her towards the dining room.

“I am Ashonee.”

The man glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Where was the haughty girl who’d all but dismissed him earlier? He wondered.

“Beven.” He responded after a moment.

“It is nice to make your acquaintance, Beven.” Ashonee said and smiled.

Beven stared at the girl, his brows lowered and drawn. “We have meet before.”

“Yes,” Ashonee said slowly. “But we were not properly introduced then. Now we have been.”

Beven frowned as he continued to cast glances at the girl beside him as they walked together. When they reached the door, Ashonee once more turned to him and smiled up at her companion.

“I hope you have a nice evening, Beven.” She said before turning and disappearing inside the royal family’s private dining room.

Puzzled, Beven walked away. 


Ashonee entered the private dinning room and walked directly to the lyre. She took her seat and began to play a tune without ever looking to the royal table. The melody she chose was upbeat and cheery; as she finished the song and was about to start a new one, a voice called out to her.

“Ashonee, will you join us for dinner?”

Hesitantly, Ashonee stood and crossed out from behind the lyre. For the first time she realized that only Clora and Denapan were seated at the table. It was Clora who had invited her over.

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