Chapter Nine: Near Miss

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Leilelle was returning to her room after spending most of the afternoon in Banece’s room, getting to know the young woman better. They had discovered that they had quite a lot in common. She could already feel the bonds of friendship forming; Leilelle was assured that in no time she would be on close enough terms with the princess to request Ashonee’s freedom. Even though Leilelle had stormed out their room earlier because she was so angered by Ashonee’s aloof behavior, she still loved her friend and wanted the best for her. Ashonee was also more than her friend; she was Leilelle’s princess and future queen. Leilelle would do anything to make sure that Ashonee was protected and safe as long as it was in her power. Her current and sole purpose in life was to protect her princess and find a way to secure her freedom.

Leilelle left the inner hallways of the royal apartments and walked briskly through the part of the palace where all of the empty rooms were used for visiting envoys. Concentrating deeply on reaching the slave quarters, she rounded a corner when a hand reached out and roughly dragged her into a shadowy alcove.

Leilelle let out a single shriek before a hand slammed down over her mouth. Startled, Leilelle was completely still until she felt a hand caress her cheek and stroke her hair. Frantically, she began to struggle against her captor.

“Hush, girlie, this won’t hurt as much if you just hold still.” A voice whispered in her ear, spraying alcohol scented breath all over her face.

Tears dripped down Leilelle’s cheeks as she continued to fight and claw at the man holding on to her as he in turn fought and clawed at her clothes, trying to remove them from her body.

Fabric ripped, creating a loud noise in the otherwise silent hallway. Leilelle whimpered as more and more of her skin was expose to the cooling evening air. Knowing that if she didn’t do something in this instant that her life would be forever changed, Leilelle struck out with all of her might and landed the heel of her hand in the man’s nose.

He grunted as blood began to gush from his now broken nose. Surprised by the red fluid, he loosened his grip and reached a hand up to his face. Leilelle reacted instantly and jerked away. Before he could grab her again she darted out into the hallway and took off at a sprint.

Leilelle couldn’t help but glance back as she ran. It was a decision that she instantly regretted. The man had followed her out of the alcove and down the hallway. He was chasing her with one hand over his nose to prevent the blood that was running down his face to drip to the floor. He was almost within arms length.

Terrified, Leilelle clutched her skirts in one fist and used the other arm to steer her around a corner. The let out a bellow as she widened the distance between them.

Uncaring of where she was going or who might see her, Leilelle slipped around the corner and ran into another body. She peeled her face off of the muscled wall of a chest that she’d just face planted into and darted around the figure so that she could keep running. She didn’t pause to look up to see whom she’d nearly toppled over, nor did she look over her shoulder at his face.

Saloan stared dispassionately at one of the male members of the envoy from the Eastern providence.

“What do you thing you are doing?” he asked, calmly even as his temper raged inside of him. He retained the composed exterior he’d spent most of his life perfecting.

The man, obviously drunk, grinned lopsidedly and waved his hands in the air. “Just trying to have a bit of fun with the little piece.”

“All of the women in this palace are under the protection of the king himself. You are not to touch one unless she agrees and welcomes your advances.” Saloan responded automatically. Despite his best efforts to remain aloof from the situation, his fists clenched as his internal anger grew.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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