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"Ok Miss Grey, here's your medication that apparently you haven't been filling. Good thing your brother brought you here on time or something bad could have happened. You should really learn to tame your temper ma'am." I was still blurred about everything. "We've taken the liberty of calling your mom to come get you."

My eyes widened in fear. My mom was gonna come here. What am I gonna tell her? How am I explain what happen? I got mad at my nigga for making out with his baby mama and sent up my blood pressure? WAS JAYCEON STILL HERE?

"I'm sorry," I saw a saddened Jayceon peeping in the room.

"You need to go now!" the doctor just stood there confused as to why the first words to my "brother" wasn't Thank You.

"He saved your life, Miss-" I cut him off

"Leave now," I was still upset but more concerned that my mom could walk through those doors any minute and was still here. He needed to leave so I could gather my thoughts together to get a story solid to tell mother.

"Give me an sis a moment doc, please" I heard him mumble to the doctor while looking on the sparkling clean floor.

"Sure Mr. Small," he told him, then turned to me "I'll be around if you need anything, just touch that button in case ok?" he gestured to the button. I was sure he was seeing through Jay's lie by now.

"OK Doc" I barely smiled, as soon as the doctor left the room I felt I volt of energy. "Leave fuckin' now fuckboy" I spat.

"I fuckin' saved you, ungrateful bitch," he slammed me back with anger in his eyes.  

"You put me here sir. Get out of my face," I said calmly as I feel unsettled like before.

"I'm sorry k?" he tried to soften his tone

"You haven't even tried to console me, you keep saying you're sorry but from your actions, you're really not fam," I knew he hated when I called him things like that, it made him feel like he wasn't special to me. Right now he wasn't. "My mom will be here soon, please go."

Jayceon left without another word to me. As he stepped out the door my mom entered with a quizzical look on her face.

"Look what an accident dragged in. Where have you been?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Are you serious? You just came through the door mom," she brushed it off.

"Who was that who just left? He looks too old to be fucking you," she managed to get out with a grin. She enjoyed antagonizing me. What's wrong with her?

"He came in the wrong room mother. He was looking for room 210," pointing to the sign outside on my room "this is room 110 as I hope you can see, I know you're getting old. You're sight must be going by now." I couldn't help the laugh that made it's way into my mouth.

   "Got jokes now? Why am I here anyway? I haven't seen you since yesterday."

"um, because you are my mother. As sad as it is, they have to call you," I got up off the hospital bed feeling complacent. "I need to go shower, are you done being old? You're moving so slow, go check me out"

She rolled her eyes and turned her heels and left to the receptionist. I got the last of my things, sliding in the jogging clothes I was in and met her there.

"Where's Lucifer..... I mean Natasha?" I slid out. I didn't hate my sister as much as she thought she hated me, it just hurt me that she was too young to see that mother was brainwashing her against me.

She side eyed me.  "At home with Katora, where from now on you'll be spending most of your time from now on."

"Why is MY best friend babysitting the devil?" I felt a burning sensation arise. She always wants to use everybody for her own personal gain. She must have come over to see me and got caught up in a dilemma.

"Because child, she was well-grown and decided to do me a favor," I saw her nose flaring. She never liked to be called out on using people. She should just do it and no one should complain.

"Are you implying that I wasn't raised right? because I don't like playing with the devil, but please don't let it slip your elderly mind. YOU RAISED ME!" I clapped back. I hate being tested, and she was testing me right now.

The ride home was quiet. Too quiet. As we were about to turn into the driveway she slowed down.

"You never told me what happened to you. Why were you in the hospital?" for the first time in my whole life I saw compassion and love in the eyes of the woman my birth certificate said was my mother. Yet, I couldn't tell her the truth. I turned in my seat looking dead ahead, 

"I went for an early morning jog, seems like I was jogging for too long when I stopped to catch my breath I couldn't get enough to sustain me in time. I laid on the ground for a while hoping to be   reinstated but I never was apparently. I woke up in the hospital with needles in my hands," I said boldly, lying through my teeth.

I saw regret in my mother's eyes, I didn't understand for what, though. Whatever happened would have been my fault. Yet, she sulkily replied.

"A'ight. Let's go inside and relieve Katora of her duty."

"Mom....." I started, "nevermind ma"


7:00 P.M

You told me loved me, 

why did you leave me all alone

You tell me you need me

when you call me on the phone

Blasted from my phone speakers, I grabbed it just in time, for my mom entered the room. I quickly silenced the ring.

"Living room 5 minutes" she left. What did she want now? I checked my phone before heading out. I saw a text come in.

1 Missed call - Jayceon

1 message

"I don't know if you've accepted my apology yet, but I need to see you. I'm sorry you ended up in the hospital. I knew you weren't supposed to get too upset but I didn't know why. I get it now. I promise to hold you down. Nothing will happen to you ever again."

I sighed. I took my medications, put my phone in my draw closed it and made my way out. I noticed I hadn't heard or seen my sister all day. Strange but I could get used to it. I saw Venus sitting in the pretty floral sofa with her legs crossed, glasses on and paper up.

I cleared my throat, she looked up. "I'm here. Am I early?" I couldn't help myself. I just think that's the way we bond now. She was in no laughing mood.

"Sit," she ordered as if I were a dog.

"Ok?" More of a question than an answer.

"Listen. I have been too carefree with you. I don't think You get it. You're a walking paycheck. If anything happens to you, your father won't provide me with any money. You may be unhappy here but you will stay. You may starve here but you will stay. You may call your sister Lucifer and me whatever which shows you would do anything to leave, but you WILL stay here" I looked wildly at her, so many thoughts were booming around in my tired mind that I couldn't even with her. She continued,

"I don't care what you think of me, you are living here and from now on if you're not at school you are here. No more "jogs"," she said air quoting. "No more sneaking around and Catfishing people for fun, they could track you and kill you, delete all six of your catfishing apps as you leave this room. Get it?"

I shrugged. I was too tired for this. I wasn't surprised really. I just never thought she would have ever admitted it. EVER. I guess what I thought was compassion and love was a just trick, the care was only for her money that she was getting off of my dad for me, which I was getting none of. Now I'm stuck here. I already was but now I can't even go out? I don't work well with restrictions. Especially when it's in an unhealthy environment.

I was not about to do this. Not Today Devil. Not Today. 

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