Chapter 1~THIRD PERSON POV~A warm Tuesday morning of February.

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In a cloudy heaven, a high school junior, Venus the hybrid angel of love and beauty was sitting on the cloud. The cloud is like a bed for her, so soft and snuggly, it made her comfortable to sleep. She made a beautiful pink purse. She made a pink notebook and wrote on the cover with white, "Kiss Note" by her hands and fingers. She looked at her perfect handwriting and felt proud of it. Her fingers created a pink pen to write. She wiped her lips with her index finger, stuck the other index finger and created a lip balm.

She had three things all done, put inside of the pink purse and closed the zipper of the purse. She let the purse descend on the streets in downtown San Francisco. Then, she disguised herself as a female student. She wears a white shirt, blue denim pants and white, flat shoes. She braided her brown hair, a fishtail braid style at the right side. She looked herself on the mirror while she put golden hoop earrings on both of her ears, she looks like a normal teenager.

"There, perfect." She sighed happily as she fixed her hair a little bit.

"Boy, I can't wait to see my friends again. I felt bad that I didn't came to school yesterday because I was sick at the weekend. But, I'm glad that I'm coming back." She spoke.

She packed her school supplies in her pink backpack, and carried it behind her back. She walked down the invisible stairs from heaven, all the way to the second floor of the house. Then, she kept walking down to the first floor, where the living room and kitchen/dining room is. It didn't take long for her to walk down those invisible stairs.

"Okay, I ate breakfast, freshened and fixed myself up." She spoke to herself.

"What else?" She wondered.

"Right. Go to school. Ok, Isabelle, get ready." She smiled and chuckled.

She walked out from the house and closed the door with lock. She walked to her high school which is about two blocks away from here. She walked like a normal teenager, highly mature. Despite of people's compliments of how she walks, acts and talks maturely, she kept walking to high school. About a block from her destination, she stopped herself.

"Wait a minute. This week is Valentine's Day Week." She wondered.

"And this Saturday is the dance party night, the fourteenth of February!" She gasped.

"Well, what's today's date?" She asked.

She looked at the clock tower from a bank. The screen says '7:05 am, Tuesday, 10th of February.'

"Hmm. Three days before the big night." She spoke.

"Jeez, three days would take like three hours. I might better get everything prepared." She spoke as she crossed the road to the other sidewalk. She looked to the high school building. It looked big, but the student population was small.

A junior Elias wears a burgundy polo shirt, blue denim jeans, and black tennis shoes, after he freshened and fixed himself up. He felt excited that it's Valentine's Day week. He ran down the stairs to the living room, ready to go to high school. He always loves to run, although most of the times his father scolded him not to run in the house. However, his mom understands how much he loves to run. His mom was cooking in the kitchen, wearing a pink shirt and blue denim skirt, but covered by a pink apron.

"Hi, mom! Bye, mom!" Elias urged.

"Bye-bye—oh, sweetie!" His mom called him while cooking in the kitchen, and he was about to open the door.

"You forgot your breakfast!" She reminded him.

"Oh..." He chuckled and went to the kitchen/dining room to eat his breakfast; pancakes covered with syrup.

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