Chapter 12~ISABELLE'S POV~A warm, sunny Friday of February.

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I felt so jumpy and my nerves are shocked. I walked to the entrance of San Francisco High School. I walked up the stairs but what I see is red, pink and white decorations curled up, in a wavy pattern stuck on the walls. I totally knew what that is for today; this is the eve of the tomorrow's dance night. The best part? Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and no one will ever dare to miss the wonderful moment. Everyone already knows that I'm the MC for tomorrow night so I better get prepared. I'm still practicing my solo, without any mistake. I walked into the first hour classroom in the first floor. I saw Mrs. Kelly on her desk at the left corner.

She saw me in surprise.

"Well, look who came early!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Morning, Mrs. Kelly." I smiled.

"Morning, Isabelle. Are you excited for tomorrow's dance night?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." I smiled.

"I'm sure you're going to wear like you're the brightest star for the night!" She expressed and I giggled a little.

"Everyone's been asking me what am I going to wear for the dance. I don't want to spoil my surprise dress." I expressed as she knows about it.

"Oh, well they better wait until tomorrow." She chuckled and I smiled.

"Yeah." I spoke and smiled.

Minute by minute, my classmates came here on time. I heard chattering outside of the classroom. I started to stare out from door. Every classroom is like every house you come, and at the hallways are like streets where teenagers might not even care about going to the classrooms.

I felt like one of the most important ways of life is education. My ten friends felt the same thing, also. Our classroom is where we come to learn how to learn, to ask questions, to be curious. Sure, there's still philosophy, but other than that, we build our own projects and follow computer programs at our own pace. There are so many plants in here it is almost like being in a little jungle at times but I love them. The chairs and tables are all ergonomic, comfortable, though often we choose to sit on the floor mats at the low tables, or on the couch. Every room has a learning guide, a teacher, whose job it is to inspire and guide us when we ask for help.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang and class is now in session. As the minutes of the lesson passed, the ceaseless buzzing of the classroom and the unlimited amount of energy the students contained increased, which would be a rare sight if the class was under their teacher's supervision. Having no vicious teacher who would glare at the class with red flames dancing in her eyes as she expects an answer to a question, even the world's most intelligent mastermind couldn't provide an answer. It was an unbelievable chance worth taking to have at least a few moments of pleasure, after an hour of endless minutes of teaching, asking, answering, and discussing topics.

Hours have passed and finally, it's lunch time. I walked out from the classroom, anxious to go to the cafeteria to talk with my friends. Laughter sounds along the halls, joined with excited conversations and shouts. Model worthy girls perch on the tables like exotic birds gossiping and giggling. Groups of high schoolers sit around the room laughing and causing all kinds of ruckus, all except one group that sit silently staring at laptop screens with massive headphones which appear to be permanently strapped to their heads. A breath of air brushes my ear; I follow the breeze and see a blue striped paper plane gracefully gliding through the air before sliding across the tiled hall to stop with its nose against the wall.

I went to my locker to get my lunch and my light pink notebook, but my ears were caught attention by a group conversation.

"Hey, did you know that an unusual notebook called Kiss Note existed here?" The first girl asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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