Chapter 2

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It had been a couple days since the encounter of Louis and Harry, and Niall had been bugging Louis to call Harry ever since he told him about what happened at the café.

"But I'm not sure what to say!! What if I sound desperate," Louis whined.

"You won't sound desperate! He's going to think your never going to call if you hold it off any longer!" Niall nudged the phone and the piece of paper closer to Louis with a desperate look on his face, silently pleading him to call.

He looked at the phone and then back at Niall, he sighed and picked it up. Niall shot up from the couch they were sitting on and started doing a little happy dance. Louis rolled his eyes playfully and dialled Harrys number.

"Hello?" A voice said after two rings.

"Um h-hi it's Louis... The guy from the café. I w-was just wondering if you wanted to meet up again?"

"Aye, I thought you'd never call! Yeah I'd love to meet up, can I pick you up tomorrow at eight?"

"Yeah that's fine. See you then!" Louis texted Harry his address and couldn't stop smiling the whole afternoon, and Niall couldn't stop poking him and saying I told you that you'd be fine!


"Niall!! I don't know what to wear," Louis said frantically. It was seven o'clock, one hour before Harry was picking Louis up and he had a towel wrapped around his waist and he raced around his room trying to find something for his and Harrys date. Niall casually lay on the bed, laughing at his panicked friend.

"You sound like a girl," Niall laughed. Louis just glared at his friend. "Just wear something casual bro, I highly doubt it will be anything to fancy."

"What about this?" Louis held up black skinny jeans, light blue denim jacket and a white t-shirt.

"Looks good," Niall complemented. Louis smiled at him and walked to the bathroom to change. By the time he was done everything he needed to do it was five to eight.

"I gotta get going but have fun Louis!" Niall waved and walked out the door of Louis apartment. Louis sat on the couch trying to calm himself down... Why am I so nervous? Louis thought to himself. The sound of the doorbell interrupted Louis thoughts.

       Louis jumped up, grabbing his phone and his wallet, to get to Harry as fast as possible. He adjusted his shirt and walked out the door, greeting Harry.

       Harry had taken him out bowling, and after playing multiple games, and Louis loosing all but one game they decided to find a quiet place to sit and talk. Hours went by and they talked and talked.

Harry stopped the car outside Louis house, quickly running to the opposite side of the vehicle to open the door for Louis. "Um Louis...? Can I, uh, tell you something?" Louis nodded, eager to hear what Harry had to say. "I, uh, take medication for, um, a couple things. I figured you should know."

Louis gave a small smile and opened his mouth to say something but was instantly interrupted by Harry. "I hope this doesn't change anything between us." He searched Louis eyes frantically, waiting for him to say something.

"Thanks for telling me, of course this wouldn't change anything. You are still the same handsome, amazing man I met a few days ago."

"Thanks." Harry gently grabbed Louis hand and walked him up to the door. As they approached the door, Harry turned to face Louis and placed a hand on his soft cheek. Louis breath seemed to get caught in his throat, and time seemed to slow down as Harry leaned towards him and pressed his lips against the smaller boys lips.

The moment was short lived before Harry pulled away and slowly walked towards his car. "Thanks for tonight, it was a lot of fun!" Yelled Louis as Harry sat in his car, pulling the door closed.

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