Brief Introduction

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Yoongi's POV//

Today was just like any other day, I woke up, took a shower and then I sat down at my computer. You see, I'd gone to college and worked my fucking ass off to get that major in art (photography, to be specific), yet my only income came from levelling up people in GW2. It's kind of weird, getting paid for doing something in a virtual reality, but I couldn't get nor find a job so it had to do. Though it did mean that I had to resort to living with my mum again. Which yes, is a bit pathetic considering that I was twenty-three years old, but I was in depth so what could I do? At least she treated me like an adult - most of the time.

My mother raised me on her own because my dad 'disappeared' when I was two years old and I'm the only child so I'm used to her being a bit overprotective at times. She was like my best friend, in a way. It had always been just the two of us. Which, again, is a bit pathetic. Not that I didn't appreciate her company, I spent most of my time shouting at 12-year-old kids for being level 5 and attacking a Mordrem, so talking to a civil adult was a nice contrast; but it's kind of sad that my mum was my only friend.

Okay so I did have some friends, I had Seokjin and Namjoon (although I rarely met up with Namjoon, we mostly just played GW2 together), so I was managing just fine. Most of the time. I never mentioned if I felt those dawning thoughts hit me, I hate self-pity and I hate when people pity me. It's whatever, the whole friend thing. I generally hate people anyway.

That's why when a new family was settling down into the house next to ours (a real restoration project if you ask me), I wasn't too thrilled.

so, that was just a brief introduction to Yoongi's character

the story will start in the next chapter.

thank you for reading!

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