We meet the Death Maker!

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E: I'm back! And I'm back from Pennsylvania!

Yami: I don't like this chapter.

Yugi: How can you hate it? You haven't even read this.

Yami: Because of the title!

E: Well it's half true.

Yami: If you hurt Yugi in any why you'll die by my hands!!!

E: *Runs away*

Yugi: *tear drops*


Yugi's POV

I open my eyes.

I see plain white walls.

'Weird my room has pictures on the walls....WAIT WHERE AM I?!?!?!?!'

I franticly scan the room. My eyes stopped on the sleeping form of Yami in the chair next to the bed I was in.

'He looks so cute when he's asleep! I didn't just think that did I?'

Then I remembered what had happened.

I started shaking and crying.

Without relishing it. I had woken Yami up.

"Yugi. Are you ok?" Yami asks worried.

I stopped and looked over at him.

"Yes I'm ok now." I say. For whatever reason. When I look at Yami I get this warm feeling inside me.

"Can you tell me what got you so scared?" He asks.

"My father. I was afraid he'd take me and beat me." I answer.

Yami comes over and hugs me.

I blushed when his body touched mine.

"Don't worry. He'll have to go though me to take you away." Yami says.

blush a little more at that. "Thanks you Yami." I whisper.

"Anytime Little One." He whispers back.

"I'm not little!" I say.

"Sure you aren't." He says back.

"I'm not!"

"You kinda are."

"Am not!"

"All right you're not little."

"He's right you're super short." A man's voice says.

I start shaking. I didn't look at the man. I didn't need to. I knew that the man standing in the door way was my father. The one that always beats me.

"You're really troublesome you know that." He tells me.

I say nothing. After living with him for a year I learned when to keep my mouth shut and when not to.

"And who are you?" Yami asks. He steps in fount of me. Blocking my father from me.

"Me I'm his father and I've come to take him home." He says taking a step toward Yami.

I turned and looked at him.

I could see his black hair with yellow highlights. he looks like me but older and not as innocent. His brown eyes lost all feeling in them a long time ago.

"Would you please move so I can get to my son." He says.

Yami glares at my father. "I will not move." Yami says.

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