Break up

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Yami: "what the hell is with the title and the picture?!"

E: "N-Nothing."

Yami: "No it means something doesn't it?"

E: "...." *pushes Yami into a room and locks the door*

Yami: "LET ME OUT!"

E: "I vaule my life so no. I'll let you out sometime in the next chapter."

Bakura: "That's not a good sign."

Ryuo: "Yea no kidding."

E: *faces all the fangirls and fanboys* "So I think you all can guess what's going to happen from the title but I hope you enjoy anyway. now I have to go hide."

Yugi's POV

It's Monday. Yay! I hope you all cought my sarcasm. I hate Mondays because it marks the day I have to go near my father.  Another day of trying not to get cought and beat by him. I have my friends so I don't mind but one thing that bothers me is that I've been seeing someone follow me...watching me. I know it's not my father the outline of the person is female. I think it's Anzu but I'm not too sure I can't make out what they look like only that their female. I've talked to Yami about this but he's not able to do anything. He's tried going after the person but they escape before he can catch her. Not only is this scaring me but it's making Yami over protective of me. I don't mind I kinda find it sweet. Somewhat annoying but sweet.

Speaking of Yami like always he's walking next to me. Joey, Kaiba, Malik, Marik, Bakura, and Ryuo went on a head and are going to meet us at school. I see them with Sora. I've never walked to school with Sora. She says her parents drop her off at schoo. I've seen her leave a car a few times but I've never actually seen her parents. She say they're so busy they can't leave the car and have to drive stright to work. I can believe that.

I go over to them with Yami. "Hey guys. Where's Bakura and Ryuo?" I ask them. "Don't know. Bakura left us to get Ryuo since he wasn't waitting for us." Kaiba says. "I hope fluffy and bunny are ok." Marik says. "I'm sure they're fine. Bakura skips school a lot so maybe he's skiping." Sora says. "That sounds about right. the only reason Ryuo would be late is if he's trying to convince Bakura not to skip school." I say agreeing.

we deside to wait a little longer to see if they show up. about a minute later we see Bakura heading towards us. "Hey have you guys seen Ryuo? I can't find him." Bakura says worried. "We haven't seen him we thought he was with you." I tell him. "He's not with me. He wasn't waiting for me, he's not answering his phone, and he's not at his house. I can't find him anywhere." Bakura tells us. "I'm sure Ryuo's ok." Malik says. "Yea he'll be ok." Marik says agreeing. We hear the bell ring and we know it's time to go to class. "How about this if Ryuo doesn't answer his phone by the end of school we'll all help you go looking for him." I tell Bakura. He nods agreeing to my plan.

Time skip (because nothing important happens.)

Ryuo's ok he texted Bakura at lunch. Bakura said he was going to go to Ryuo's after school to make sure he's ok since he's sick. The reason he wasn't at his house was because he was going to get medicine for his cold. I'm glad Ryuo's ok we've been friends since I was a kid.

I go to my locker and a note falls out of my locker. I pick it up and read it.

"Yugi please meet me under the cherry blossom trees after school. I need to tell you something important. ~Yami"

Yami wants to meet me under the cherry blossom trees? I'll be there because everytime I meet him under one something amazing happens. I meet him under one, He confessed to me under one. I wonder what it is he wants to tell me?

I go to the cherry blossom trees but I don't see Yami. Now that I think about it the note never said a time for me to meet him. So I can't be mad at him for being late if there was no pasific time. I wait for a couple minutes them my phone rings. I open it and see that it's Yami calling me. I answer the call. "Hey Yugi sorry I can't make it to the cherry tree something came up." He says. "oh that's ok." I say. "Listen Yugi about what I wanted to say...I don't think we should be together anymore." He says. I freeze. "W-What do you mean?" I ask him hoping I heard him wrong. "It's not you Yugi. It's just I can't take any more of the stress. Coustently worrying about your father taking you, some stalker, you getting hurt. I can't take anymore. My grades are going down and I can't seem to consentrat anymore. I'm sorry Yugi but we're through." He says and then hangs up.

My heart breaks into a thousand pieces. The one person I trusted with my life is gone and it's all my fault. I love Yami but it seems he doesn't love me back. I was stupid to think Yami actually loved me. I start to cry. if it wasn't alreay bad it starts raining. I start walking back to the game shop. Soaking wet and heart broken.

Bakura's POV

I can't believe I just did that. I know it's what I had to do but still. Yugi was my friend and I just made him think that Yami actually broke up with him. before anyone says anything no Yami didn't break up with Yugi. I "broke up" with Yugi. I made myself sound like Yami and break it off with Yugi. But it wasn't by choice. if I had a choice I would never would've done this.

I look up at Yugi's Father. "Alright it's done. I made him think Yami broke up with him now hand over Ryuo!" I say to him. Yes this monster has Ryuo. The text I'd gotten at lunch was from this guy saying that if I wanted Ryuo back alive I'd help him with his plan. I didn't want Ryuo to die so I did it.

"Fine have your stupid boyfriend." He says. He shoves Ryou into me. I don't see any brusies on him. He's alive but unconscious."Now remember no telling anyone about this because I will find out and I will kill your boyfriend." He says. "Don't worry I won't." I tell him. I pick up Ryuo and leave with him. I head back to my house.

E: "So yea. um Yugi thinks Yami broke up with him."

Yugi: "why would you do that?!"

E: "I had to. I had to becuase I need to do it for my idea for the next chapter!"

Bakura: "You do know all the fangirls and guys are going to kill you right?"

E: "Yea I know."

Ryuo: "please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think."

E: "I hope you enjoyed."

MADE ON 5/27/18

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