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(I thought this picture was cute has nothing to do with the chapter)

E: *avoiding attacks from Yami* "Yami will you relax?!"

Yami: "No! You put the devil near my Yugi!"

E: "Yes but I need to do that for the plot!"

Yami: "who cares! Yugi could get hurt!"

E: "He won't get hurt......yet"

Yami: *glares*

E: *sighs* "I don't own Yugioh I only own the plot and my ocs Sora and Mr Honey."

Yugi: "enjoy!"

Yugi's POV

It's been a week since I've found out my father is going to be in my school every single day. He tries to get me alone so he can hurt me but Yami and the others are always with me so they make sure he doesn't do anything. Gramps has tried complaining to the school but they can do anything without any evadince of the abuse. Since my father hasn't hurt me I have no brusies or cuts and all the scars are old the school wouldn't be able to link him to the crime. So there's nothing we can do. Right now I'm on my way to school with Yami and the others.

We come up to the school and there waitting for us is Sora. "Hey guys." Sora says cheerfuly like always. "Hey Sora." I say. "Hey sora mind if I copy your homework? they won't let me." Joey asks. "Sorry Joey. I would but you need to learn how to do your own work." Sora says to him. "it was worth a shot." Joey says. We laugh. Even though my father goes to my school I'm still able to smile and laugh because I know he can't do anything if someone else is around. And since this is school their always someone around so it'll be impossible to hurt my while at school. We reach our classroom and see mister Honey. We sit in our sits and start class. We have mister honey two times a day. once in the binging of the day and he teaches my last class.

Time skip

The final bell of the school day rings. everyone stands up and grabs their bag to leave. I'm about to leave with Yami when I hear mister Honey call me. "Yugi Muto will you please stay for a little bit I'd like to talk to you." He says with a smile. I nod and go over to mister Honey. Yami follows. "I'm sorry I'd like to talk to mister Muto alone please." Mr. Honey says. Yami nods and leaves. Mr. Honey mosions for me to sit in a chair. I sit.

"So Mister muto. I've noticed you act very odd around our class's helper." He says. I freeze. "W-What do you mean by that?" I ask. "You seem scared of him." He says. "What? that's crazy. I'm not scared of him." I lie. "Panic attack and fainting." He says. "What?" I ask confused. "When ever our helper comes near you, you either faint or have a panic attack." He says. I don't say anything. "of course your not the only to act weird towards him. Your friends do as well. They seem to hate him and they never let him near you if you've fainted or have a panic attack in fact even ever he touches you they get you away from him right away. Not only that but I noticed that both your last name and our helpers last name is Muto. He also has a son who's 16 and lives in domino city. coninsetince? I think not." He says. I don't know what to say how does he know all of this? How did he find this all out? "This isn't your first time meeting him because he's your father isn't he?" He asks. I nod. "from what I've seen my guess is he abuses you and your friends know it that's why they've been keep him away from you." He guesses. "How did you find out?" I ask. "a friend was also abused. His name is Naruto. He acted the same way you do with your father so it was too hard to fingure out. and don't worry I'll make sure your father stays away from you in class." He says. "Thank you so much!" I say. "Your welcome now you should go." mister honey says. I nod and go back to my house.

?????'s POV

"So You want me to help you get your brat of a son back?" I ask. "Yes that's right." He says. "What's in it for me?" I ask. "What do you want?" He asks. "Something you can't give me." I say. "Well I'd be happy to give you as much money as you want." He asks. Money? I don't want money but it would be nice to get rid of that happy go lucky brat. "Alright. I'll help." I say. "Good. how much do you want?" He asks. "I'll tell you later for now. I need to figure out how I'm going to get him away from prince charming." I say.

E: "Ohhhh Yugi's father has teamed up with someone!"

Yami: "I'm going to kill you!"

E: "Do it and you'll never get your happy end."

Yami: *glares*

E: "Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think!"

Yugi: "I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 5/13/18

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