confessions of love

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E: Thank you all so much!  @SusanRoyal This update is for you! I'm glad you like my story! And sorry about leaving you in suspense! I didn't mean it!

Yugi: zzzz *still asleep*

E: He's still asleep! He looks so cute like this!

Yami: What's with that title?!

E: You'll see!

Ryuo: E doesn't own Yugioh or bey....

E: Wrong story! *stopping him in mid sentence*

Ryuo: Opps! But it's true you don't own Yugioh.

E: Please enjoy.

Yugi's POV


I open my eyes and sit up.

I looked at the clock. it read 1:30.

'who'd be up a one thirty in the morning?'

"I told you to catch it you idiot!" A voice snaps.

"It's too dark for me to see!" Another voice says.

"Well at least he's still asleep." The first voice says

"What's going on?" I ask still half asleep.

"Nothing you need to worry about." A voice tells me.

"Marik?" I ask.

"No." A different voice. This one sounded British.

"Bakura?" I ask.

No answer.

"What are you do doing in here? What was that bang? And what about the door?" I ask confused.

"Um...." Marik starts.

"We're doing some redecorating. Yea that's it. The bang was that this idiot dropped the item and it rolled into your room. Mark ran into your door he forgot that there was one. Silly right? I told Marik to watch for the door but he didn't lessen." Bakura explains.

"Yea so you have nothing to worry about! So go on back to sleep." Marik says

"ok then. Good night." I say going back to sleep.

"Night." They both say.

"Yami's going to kill us." Was the last thing I heard.

Yami's POV

I leave my room and walk passed Yugi's room.

I see the symbol Yugi asked for a puzzle peace.

I stop walking and look at the door.

'Yugi's door doesn't have a puzzle peace on it. It has a Kuriboh. Where's Yugi's door?'

I walk down stair into the kitchen. To find both Psycho awake and making what ever it is there making. Cause I know it's not breakfast.

"Morning Pharaoh." Bakura says.

"Morning Thief." I say back.

Marik looks in a cabinet.

"Were out of candy!" Marik exclaims.

"You say that as if that's a bad thing." Bakura says.

"It is! I need sugar just like how you need tea!" Marik says.

I sigh. "Did ether of you two hear a bang last night?" I ask.

"Nope." Marik answers.

"Didn't hear a thing." Bakura says not looking at me. (He was making tea)

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