Chapter 1

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"Where the fuck are you?" I yelled down to phone when Eddie finally picked up. I had been waiting in the airport for over forty minutes, looking for him but he wasn't there. Having just got off a twelve hour flight, I was tired and grumpy, he made my mood plummet even more.

"I thought I'd told you that Aleks and James were picking you up?" He didn't sound too sure in himself.

"Well you didn't! I've been wandering around like a weirdo because of you...thanks a bunch." I sighed in annoyance. I wasn't really angry just pissed off.

"I'm sorry Jessbear," He mimicked a child, "I'll make it up to you big time, I swear!" My face softened and a small smile appeared on my face. Nicknames were my weakness and he knew it.

"Finnnnnne," I laughed, "I guess I'll go find Aleks and James now. See you in a bit." He replied and then I hung up, quickly shoving my phone in my hoody pocket. I didn't take long to find the two guys. I'd met James before when he came to England with Eddie and Dan, but he looked different when I saw him. Slightly chubbier. As for Aleks, I'd spoke to him on some of mine and Eddie's skype calls but not for long. James was first to see me and rushed over, dragging Aleks with him.

"Jess!" I suddenly was being suffocated by James.

"Its nice to see you too, but you're suffocating me, bud." I laughed, short of breath. He pulled away, immediately looking like he felt bad.

"I'm just a bit tired. We can have a cuddle later? Once I've had a sleep?" I patted James' shoulder and smiled. He nodded, with a grin back on his hairy face, grabbing my suitcase. I made small chit chat with the both of them on the way to the car, but couldn't help but notice how much more attractive Aleks was in person. I knew he was the creature with the most fangirls but I didn't expect him to be that gorgeous. Once we got to the car I hopped in the back, letting the boys put my bags in the boot. Aleks was driving, so James sat with me in the back.

"Oh I see how it is! Just because I'm not pretty like Jess!" Aleks pretended to be hurt, flipping James off. I was too tired to even take notice of Aleks calling me pretty, shrugging it off. I lent my head of James' shoulder, him letting me snuggle into his side. Before I knew it I was out of it.


I stretched out when I began to wake up, soon realising I wasn't in the car anymore. Instead I was under the covers of Eddie's bed. Almost as if on cue, Eddie walked in with a cup of tea, grinning like a crazy person.

"Hey Jessbear," He sat down on the bed, putting the tea on the side, "I brought some green tea especially for you!" I smiled, it was cute that he remember my favourite tea. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him, him hugging me back in seconds.

"I've missed you so bloody much, Eddie. I really have." I whisper, trying not to cry. Seeing him again just made me emotional, I don't know why.

"Hey, you're with me now so no tears please!" I felt him kiss my forehead sweetly, making a smile tug at my lips.

"That's better," He tapped my nose, his golden giggle filling my ears, "Drink your tea. We're just playing some games and are going to order some pizza in a bit, so come out whenever you want." He headed for the door and gave me ten final smile before disappearing out the door. I could already tell that this was going to be a great trip.

The picture of the girl is what I picture Jess looking like! :3

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