Chapter 13

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Aleks offered to take me home but I knew Eddie didn't want to see me and I didn't want to upset him anymore, so I rang the person who I knew I could rely on. Only when they picked up it wasn't him.

"Steven's...ugh...busy." Flo's voice was pissed off. I just wanted to talk to Steven.

"Put Steven on the phone Flo." I bit my tongue. I could of yelled at her or sworn but I controlled myself. I was feeling too empty for it. I heard Steven's voice in the background.

" that my phone?"

"Its just a wrong number sweetie." Then she hung the fucking hell up. I sent him a text explaining but no doubt Flo deleted it. I hadn't seem him in weeks and Faith mentioned that Flo had said that she's no comfortable with Steven and I hanging out. I got it that she's being cautious of an ex girlfriend but he was my best friend. I had to call someone. I couldn't stay in the mud or go back to the apartment. I found James' contact and called him. I told him that me and Eddie got in a fight, excluding the reasoning, and that I had no where to go. He instantly hung up. I thought he was pissed off that I'd upset Eddie but a few minutes later I felt a strong pair of arms pull me of the ground. James had driven to come get me. I leapt into his arms and started to cry.

"It's over James. I've lost him." He led me towards his car, helping me get into the passenger seat. After doing my seatbelt up he bent down in front of me.

"You haven't lost him Jess. He won't be that stupid to walk away from you because of a stupid argument." He used his fingers to wipe away the tears that were trickling down my cheeks. I felt guilty about not telling him that the reason we were arguing was because I'd basically cheated on him with his best friend. Well that's what Eddie would see it as. If I had to defend myself, when me and Aleks kissed I was with Eddie officially and neither was I when I spent the night in his bed. I understood why he was upset though.

"Can I stay the night?" I ignored what he said previous and became inside empty again. He sighed and nodded. The drive to the creature house was quite, the only noise was the music coming from the radio. Once we arrived, I followed him inside and he led me to the upstairs landing.

"You can sleep in any of the rooms except mine." He pointed at the door closest to us, "The guys don't use them any more, them having their own places and all." I selected a door at random. Typical. It was Eddie's old room. I knew it straight away because we used to skype when he lived there. My hands trailed along his things. He hadn't moved most of it. The bed still had the pokemon duvet on. The Zelda posters were still up. It made me feel warm and sad at the same time. I opened his closet up and didn't find much in there except from some old basketball shorts and a couple of tshirts. I took my clothes off and pulled his on. They smelt like him which made my heart ache. It just made me want to call him up and beg for his forgiveness but I couldn't do it. I climbed into his bed and pulled the covers over me, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep so I picked up my phone. I had three texts. One from my phone service. One from Aleks:

You don't understand how bad I feel. Eddie's crying in his room because of what I've done. I'm sorry Jess. A x

As soon as I read that my fingers hovered over Eddie's contact but I quickly went back to my messages.He wouldn't of wanted to talk to me. I was the one that made him feel like shit in the first place. I read my next text and it was from Steven, which surprised me.

Shit Jess, sorry about Flo being a bitch. I'm on my way to the creature

Just as I finished reading it I heard a knock at Eddie's bedroom door. I slipped out of bed and slowly opened the door. There was stood a soaking Steven. We didn't have to say anything he just pulled me into a hug that was well needed. I felt myself collapse into his wet body. I didn't care that the rain on his clothes was being transferred on to mine, I needed him there to hold me. After a few minutes, I pulled him inside the room. He took off his jacket and I found some more of Eddie's old clothes and handed them to him. He was kind of hesitant to put them on but he was soaking. He discreetly got changed but I caught a glimpse of him shirtless. He'd been working out since we were a couple. I shook any thoughts out of my head my head and quickly went back to being incredibly sad and lost. He laid down next to where I was sat and pulled me on to the bed. I curled up into his side and began to silently sob.

"He'll come back," He whispered, obviously noticing my quivering figure, "I would if I was him."

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