Chapter 5

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"So..." I broke the silence between Eddie and I. He was looking everywhere but at me, so I turned his head gentle, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Tell me what's going on Eddie." I begged. He pulled my hand away from his cheek and instead of letting it go, he interlaced our fingers. He still stayed silent.

"What you said earlier..." His other hand found my cheek and was caressing it with his thumb. I couldn't speak as my breathing quickened. Eddie had a heart melting smile on his face, making my legs go to jelly.

"I..." Eddie's lips were soon against mine own, shivers shooting down my spine every time our lips collided. His arm slid down my back and around my waist. Mine pulling his beanie off, so I could feel his hair between my fingers. The kiss oozed passion and desperation to have each other. It was more than I expected. He was more than I expected. I felt a wince of disappointment when he pulled away to breathe but he stayed close enough so I could feel his breath of my top lip. He wasn't lying, he was right for me and I realised it then.

"Get a room and fuck already!" James was stood in the door way with a beer in hand, watching us. We both flipped him off.

" Want to go play with the others?" Eddie went back to holding my hand, nodding in the direction of the gaming room. Aleks caught my attention in the kitchen.

"I'm going to get another drink, I'll join you in a sec." I pointed in the kitchen's direction and he kissed me sweetly before going to join the others.

Aleks saw me coming and gave me a sheepish smile. I shut the door so no one could listen in on our conversation. I didn't want James being all nosey again. I still had a cheesy grin on my face, Eddie still on my mind. On my mind so much that I didn't even notice Aleks sit on the kitchen stool in front of me.

"You like Eddie don't you?" He sounded some what disappointed. My cheeks automatically heated up. I felt so embarrassed that I just nodded, covering my face with my hands.

"And there's nothing I can to change that?" He stood up from the chair and took a step closer to me. He was looking at me as if I was his prey and for some reason I couldn't move or speak, "Not even this..." He placed his lips against mine. I didn't kiss him back but I couldn't bring myself to push him away. Realising that it wasn't having the desired effect, he moved on to my neck. Oh god. I found myself biting on my lip to stop myself letting out a soft moan. No. Coming to my senses I shoved him away from me, realising that I had already cheated on Eddie, even before we were officially together. I didn't even want to look at Aleks. I could hear his calls as I rushed out of the kitchen. I ran straight into someone's chest. I look up to see the handsome Hispanic. I hugged him tightly, him seeming a bit surprised at first.

"You okay baby?" He pushed my bangs behind my ear and gently whispered. I shrugged.

"I just want to sleep." Within seconds, he had led me upstairs and into his old room. I laid down on his bed, turning my back to him. I hated myself. I knew Eddie was perfect for me but my mind kept going back to Aleks. I closed my eyes to hold in the tears. Eddie couldn't see me weak. I could feel him sat on the end of his bed, pulling the covers over me. He was humming something. Something incredibly familiar and beautiful, gently sending me to sleep.



Something was wrong with Jess, but she fell asleep before I could ask anything. I began to think that it was me and my stupid timing. Maybe she didn't want me. Maybe she wanted Aleks or even Ze. I left her to sleep and returned downstairs. They were all still playing games and being rowdy an drunk. James started screaming my name when I entered the room.

"Edwin! Where's your girlfriend? She bored of you already?" For some reason anger was boiling up inside of me.

"She's asleep." I bit my tongue. I definitely didn't want to create any drama. I slumped down on to a chair soon to be joined by Ze. I gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"Don't worry about her, man. She will hide her emotions. She did it when we started dating. She'll open up eventually!" I actually understood what he was saying but he didn't have to remind me that they dated. Even though we'd been bestfriends for a good while, she still told Ze things first. I get that there will always be some kind of connection but I put her first over everyone, even Aleks, when it comes to me.

"I guess..." I mumbled, earning a pat on the shoulder from Ze before he left the room, probably to get another drink or something. I was being stupid. We weren't even together and she'd never do anything to hurt me. I felt that spark when our lips touch which couldn't be faked. I knew I had to forget about my doubts and have a good time that night.

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