Chapter 8

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Steven and I went back to the guy's apartment, me inviting him in. He insisted that he couldn't stay very long, as he had his date with Flo.

"Guess I can stay for a bit." He smiled as I pulled him to the sofa, which Aleks had luckily vacated from. However he failed to clean up the mess that he made. And I could hear Eddie recording so I didn't dare disturbed him.

"Sorry for the mess," I sighed, "Aleks had a...umm...eventful night." Yeah, because I'd rejected him but I wasn't going to elaborate on that to my ex boyfriend. Speaking of Aleks, he wondered out from his room, me giving him a pissed off look.

"Yeah yeah, I'll clean it up later." He rushed passed up, briefly talking to Steven, before announcing that he was going out. I shrugged at Steven's puzzled face and handed him an Xbox controller, knowing that he'd want to play. I went into the kitchen to see if Aleks had left us any beers. There was a secret stash of them at the back of the fridge, so I grabbed a couple for me and Steven. When he saw the beer he looked slightly apprehensive. I knew he was worrying about his date.

"C'mon one won't hurt," I held the can in front of his face, "Plus it'll help you relax a bit." His eyes shot up at me looking confused and shocked. That came out wrong.

"Relaxed for your date...not relaxed for anything else." I said, kind of embarrassed. I sat down next to him, to be passed the other controller. He had already put in COD, risking his manhood as he knew I was badass at that game. It was one of the only games that I actually didn't fail at.

"Prepare to be annihilated!" I was confident in my skill. Steven just laughed at me, lifting his eyebrows in a 'we'll wait and see' kind of way.

The first round I destroyed him, but after that it was as if someone had flicked a switch in him. He had killed me in minutes. After he won the final round, I look at him astonished.

"What the hell?" I yelled playfully, pushing him slightly.

"Guess I just learn from the best." He shrugged, winking at me. We used to play all the time when we were together so I guess he knew my tactics. I pouted slightly. I now wasn't the supreme champion of COD.

"Aww come here," He pulled me into a hug, "There's always next time!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I was going to say some witty comment back but I noticed his phone vibrating. He had 7 missed calls and 9 texts. I then saw the time. 9:23. He was meant to have met Flo at half 7. He'd missed his anniversary because he was hanging out with me, his ex. He noticed my gaze as he pulled away. He snatched his phone off the table and read the messages, his face dropping.

"You alright?" I asked but all he did was pass his phone to me, slumping down on to the sofa.

From: Flo <3

You ready for our date sweetie?


Where are you?

Seriously, you're 30 mins late!


Bet you're with that whore Jess?

You knew how much this meant to me you asshole!

Hope you've spare clothes with you because I don't want to see and be around you tonight!

I'm sure Jess will let you sleep over...

I initially felt bad for her but then she called me a whore. That was uncalled for. I looked at Steven next to me, who had his head in his hands. I moved closer, and rested my head on his shoulder. I placed his phone next to him.

"Sorry..." I whispered, my arms wrapping around him. I felt like it was my fault. I felt him shake his head and laugh a little.

"It's not your fault Jess. I should of kept a eye on the time," He sighed but his voice got slightly happier, "but I having far to much fun to care." Our hug got even tighter and I swear I felt him kiss the top of my head. I pulled away not knowing what to feel. I should of felt awkward because of Eddie but I didn't.

"I...I'll go check with Eddie if you can stay over..." I fumbled with my words as I leapt off the sofa and backed out the room and right into someone. It was Eddie of course. I felt his arm snake their way around my waist, his lips grazing my neck. I pushed his face away slightly.

"What's up baby?" I swear to god I heard Aleks' voice not Eddie's. I spun around, extremely happy to see Eddie's face. I crashed my lips against him, making myself forget what just happened. I felt him pulling me towards the bedroom. Shit. Steven. I shook my head.

"We can't, not tonight. Steven has had a argument with Flo and he needs a place to stay," I smile apologetically, "He's in the living room now." I nodded in the direction of the living room. Eddie nodded his head after thinking for a bit. We spent the rest of the evening watching Doctor Who together, making sure Steven wasn't completely upset as I knew he loved it.

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