Sensitive Subject

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You hadn't been able to find some of your favorite clothes. You couldn't find them at Justin's house either and decided to call your mom to see if you had left some stuff at her house when you moved out. You asked her to check and see if you had left some boxes or loose clothing somewhere in the house. She checked and found that you had left a lot of  things.

You had been meaning to get the rest of your things from your parents house. When you moved in with Justin you completely forgot about it. Your parents were on a business trip, so you asked Justin to come with you to help, so it would go faster.

"Justin come on!" you said pulling him along.

"But (Y/N)! I'm tired" he said dragging his feet along the ground.

"You said that you would help me." you reminded him

"Yeah I said I would help. But I didn't know we were getting up at the crack of dawn!" he whined.

"Its only 7:30!"

"Too early!" he whined again

"Stop being such a baby and come on! We're up early because we to need to get this done as soon as possible. My parents are gone until later today."

"Why can't we do it, while they're here?"

"Because they're gonna be tired and I don't want to bother them."

He let out a sigh. "Okay fine."

He grabbed your hand and coutinued to walk normally. You walked up to the door, and bent down to get the key under the mat that your mom said would be there. You picked up the key and unlocked the door.

 You walked in, and jogged going straight upstairs to your room. Justin lingered a little behind, taking in the details of the house, but soon followed behind.

You'd lived in this house mostly all of your life, so you easily maneuvered your way through.

You walked up to our room door and put your hand on the handle. You opened the door and walked in. You dropped the box you had brought to carry your things, at the door.

You smiled. You had so many memories in this room. You spun around on your tippy-toes and laughed. Justin walked in looking around at the walls.

Three walls were lime green and the wall where the bed sat was cyan blue. There were pictures of you, family, and friends from your younger years and some more recent plastered all over the walls.

You jumped on your bed face down and spread out your arms and legs. You inhaled the familiar smell of the sheets. Lavender. Your mom had used lavender scented everything ever since you were little.

You turned over and looked at Justin who still hadn't said anything. He was staring wide-eyed at all of the pictures. You laughed at his expression.

"Yeah. I used to love taking pictures." you said blushing.

"You were really good at it." he said like he was suprised. You frowned.

"And why is that such a suprise?" you said walking over to him.

He looked over at you. "I didn't mean it like that." he said quickly. " I just wouldn't think photography would have been something you were into."

You grinned widely. "Well you've learned something about me that you didn't know."

You walked over to your dresser and opened all of the drawers. You were suprised at how much stuff was still there. You pulled out your favorite graphic tee.

"I've been looking for this!" you said excitedly. Justin chuckles lightly from across the room. You look in his direction to see what he's doing. He's still looking at the pictures.

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