Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Elise noticed these people were the same color as her. This was her family around her. She tried to say hello, but no one answered. She realized they didn’t know dragon tongue, and switched to their language.

“Hello, are you my family?” Elise asked.

“We have no idea what you’re speaking about.” one of the family members said. Elise realized that her family had no idea who she was.

She saw the oldest lady trying to not make herself noticable. She must’ve been Elise’s mother, because she seemed to have recognized Elise at once.

Elise got up and walked over to the lady. “You’re my mother.”

“Yes I am.” the lady said in a cough. Elise noticed that her mother was sick. She noticed that the family was sick, but the lady was the worst of them all.

Elise decided she was going to tell all of her family members about how her mother left her with the wolves when she was born.

Later that night, the family warmed her in their finest cloths. They had no furs or anything actually warm, but Elise took them anyway. Elise learned all of the family members names.

The names were Alba, John, Creg, Leo, Barnish, and Toshi. Her six brothers and sisters. Her mother’s real name was Lillian Varenhatter. Alba was the oldest, John was the next in line, then Creg, then Leo, the youngest boy Barnish, and finally the youngest of them all, and Elise’s twin sister, Toshi.

Elise got to know her family a little more around dinner. She realized that their way of eating certain things were a little awkward. Her family ate hardly anything at all. When Elise tried to share her fish with them, they didn’t know what it was.

That night, when Elise went off to bed, her mother went outside. Elise decided to follow. The sandstorm had stopped, so what little wind there was didn’t sting against her skin.

“Why did you give me to the wolves?” Elise came straight out with it. Elise noticed her mother looked very frail and old.

“I had no choice. There was nothing else I could do.” her mother’s voice was cracked beyond repair. It pained Elise to hear and see her mother in such conditions.

“Are you sick, mother?” Elise bothered asking, just to make sure.

“Yes, I’ve been sick for a while now. If the good lord doesn’t help me soon, it’ll be my time to pass.” This thought made Elise cry. She couldn’t believe that her mother, which whom she just met, is to die and there isn’t a thing to be done about it.

“I wish I could help you.” Elise wept at these words, for she knew ones that could heal the old woman.

“You can. You live with wolves. They can heal me.” her mother’s words made Elise’s heart sting. If she brought her mother to the pack to be healed, bad things would happen. She would be banned forever.

“I can’t, mother. The wolves don’t like outsiders. If I bring you to them, I will not be able to live with them anymore.” Elise hated those words, for she knew what her mother was about to say.

“Well, if you take me to them, and you get kicked out, you can live with us. I’ll be healed, and you know how to gather food out of nothing.” Lillian thought she had everything figured out, and it pained Elise.

“Well, I don’t know if they will heal you.” Elise looked deep into her mother’s eyes, and saw that she was blind.

“You can always try.” Elise burst into tears. Her mother had no idea, and she never would. If she took her to the wolves, neither would be under good health.

Elise thought real hard about her mother’s proposal as she slept. Her mother was blind, so she wouldn’t see the dragon, or anything magical. Elise decided she would take her mother to the wolf pack to be healed.

That next morning, Elise got her mother up early. She helped her gather her things, and made sure her brothers and sisters food to last them.

Elise and her family walked for three days to meet the dragon. Elise told her mother that they were going on a train. Lillian had never been on a train before, so it would be easy.

That day when they got back to Iquar, Iquar was disgusted.

“I thought you were to bring back no human.” Iquar was furious.

“She’s blind. She can’t see you. Plus she thinks she going to be riding a train. She will never know it’s a dragon. My family has not enough nutrition to last them. They would feel it like a dream.” Elise begged to the dragon.

After a long time of begging Iquar agreed. Only on one condition. The condition was that once the woman was cured of all disease, he would not be the one to take them back here. None of his Dragi colony would take them back.

Throughout the entire trip, Lillian tried to speak, but with her sickness her voice would be carried away into the wind. Elise never spoke once, and neither did Iquar. The only noise anybody made was train noises.

By the time Elise arrived at her wolf pack’s camp, she noticed something was different. Elise told her mother to stay put, outside the pack’s camp.

Elise went into the camp, and saw many wolves growling in a certain direction.

“What is going on?” Elise demanded as Malachi started to walk up to her.

“Nothing, just a huntsman found the camp. He locked himself in your den.” Elise looked shock and thought could it be him. It couldn’t be. She told him to go to the sycamore tree. Elise ran inside her den to find out for herself.

There the huntsman was. There was Jake inside Elise’s den.

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