Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Elise knew that she once had a mother. She always wondered why she was given to the wolves. Why was she so excepted here? Why did dragons of the Dragi colony approve of her? These were questions she would never know without leaving her pack.

Elise wasn’t allowed to leave the pack until she was the age of twenty-one, which in wolf years is three months more than human years. That’s better than living in dragon years, which is seven years for every three hundred human years. It was a horrible time that Elise was born into.

Elise was born right after the Humani vs. Dragi colony war. Elise knew many things about this war, for the Dragi colony lived near by of where she did. It only took her overnight to get the town of the Dragons, Lucinia. Elise was twenty wolf years old.

Elise was to supposed to already be of age to leave the wolves, but those extra months each year held her back from her plans. Elise thought about leaving Lucinia, and wanting to see, and know her mother more. This was something she thought about for many, many years. The question was always sitting there, so Elise was able to find the answer herself. Her fellow pack mates don’t remember too much about Elise’s mother.

The wolves don’t remember too much about my mother because the wolves only keep knowledge from the Dragi in their heads. That is where they get their wisdom from. It is why they were able to raise me, and help me learn many different languages. It is why I know so much about the Humani and the Dragi. The Dragi taught most animals many things, but it was the wolves that the Dragi told most of knowledge to. Wolves lived longer than any of the other creatures that the Dragi taught.

When the wolves brought me to the Dragi, the Dragi first refused to share their knowledge with me because I was a Humani. The wolves convinced the Dragi that I hadn’t learned anything from the Humani yet, and that I was pretty much brain dead. The Dragi finally were convinced that the knowledge could be spread with me. I was merely a newborn when my mother gave me away to the wolves.

I know only this much. My mother was pregnant with twins, but with a big family at home, she couldn’t take both home, so she gave me to the wolves, knowing that they knew how to love and care for me. The other reason of choosing me to give away is because it was as if I were the runt of the two.

It was weird to know that my mother would be willing to give a child away to be able to live with others and to live with herself. It made me wonder if the others of my family knew she was to have twins, or did they think it was a single baby. It almost makes me regret wanting to meet my mother.

She seems like an awful woman, but also seems like a woman who had no other choice. I can never make up my mind about whether I wanted to meet her or not. This time I’ve finally decided that with my birthday only four weeks away, I will go to meet my mother.

I still haven’t figured out how I will get there, for I was also told that my mother has moved several times, and may be on the other side of the world. I know I will have many challenges, but I will make it through them. This time I will not fake out, and live with the doubt and regret in my head and conscience. I have many dreams about my mother, some better than others. I feel that actually meeting my mother will help resolve these dreams, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to make it through most nights. I’ll have to sleep with the head wolf. He is the one many go to when having any kind of trouble.

He is the father of the pack. He is also my shoulder to cry on. Most people will think I crawl just like a wolf, but I don’t. I was taught to walk and talk like a human, to walk and talf life a wolf, to walk and talk like a dragon and other various animals. I’ve learned many techniques of body and I have learned their verbal and silent language. It feels almost weird to see other Humani not acting like me.

My skin was darker than most around. The wolves told me it was my race that made me look a little different than most humans. They told me that I was supposed to be African American. The dragons have told me much knowledge about races. How there were many wars between what races should do what, like the Civil War, but I don’t care too much for that history.

I like to learn more about earth sciences, other sciences, and maths. Algebra is my favorite subject. I go to school just like every other human, it’s just my school doesn’t end until I leave the pack for good. Which usually never happens.

Many wolves leave the pack to explore when they turn twenty-one. Me, on the other hand, will not leave just to explore. I will go off on a mission to search for my mother. It’s only four weeks away, and it has been aching inside my stomach. I wish so hard on the lucky wolf stars, that form up in the sky, that I can be twenty-one and meet my mom.

Now the day is close. I hope I will be okay without the head wolf always by my side. This isn’t something new for everyone. I just hope that my first time with my mother will be the greatest moment in my life. Except, it couldn’t possibly be better than the time I got my first wolf badge.

Now I must go help the leader of the wolves, Malachi, heal a wounded wolf. This wolf was caught in one of the Humani’s hunting traps. It’s a horrible thing what some do for food. If only they were like us wolves, and hunted fish and deer with out hurting traps but a mercy kill. I must go now to help Malachi, for I am the only one with opposable thumbs.

Elise left her wolf journal there. Elise only wrote in her own language, that way no one else would be able to read her journal.

When Elise showed up, the hurt wolf of the pack was in terrible pain. Elise had been in this sort of situation before. She pressed the button to unlock the trap, while lifting the wolf paw as fast as she could. She brought the wolf into her den, inside their pack’s cave.

“Let me stitch this up for you, Leora.” Leora listened. She was in deep pain, from the trap. She would, from now on, pay more attention to where she walked.

“Okay, just don’t walk on it for a while until you feel your paw feeling better.” Elise waved Leora good day, as she went back into her den.

Elise decided to write into her journal about the wolves a little more. Elise wrote in her journal “Wolves are explicitly unpredictable, and know when they’re hurt, and when they’re healed. The wolves just slow their breathing, and they can see the inside and outside of themselves. It is amazing. I cannot do it, for I am a mere human.”

Elise shut her journal, and went over to Malachi. “Malachi, why do we keep getting more and more injured wolves lately?” Elise asked curious, for this tragedy first started early June when it started to happen. It’s early spring now, and Elise was starting to get worried.

“It is because the Humani cannot live without war. They’re going for the next most longest living creatures. The Humani want to start a war with us.”

“No, they can’t. I won’t allow any of us wolves to go into war with the Humani. Then they’ll make me choose sides.”

“I know, I know, Elise. That is why we will never go into war with the Humani. What happened to Iquar, will not happen to me. I won’t allow it.”

Elise realized that Malachi just ended the conversation, and started to walk off.

“Wait! I have something else I want to tell you about.” Elise told him before he was out of hearing range.

“What is it?” Malachi asked cautiously, not wanting to start anything that will ruin his perfect relationship with Elise.

“I want to meet my mother. My twenty-first birthday is coming up, and I thought I’d let you know that I’m going to go to meet my mother.”

Malachi looked at Elise’s beautiful green eyes. Malachi knew she was to be the only African American alive with beautiful black hair. “You wish to meet your mother on your twenty-first birthday, then so be it, but don’t think about bringing her back here. I will help you with your journey. You will go with the most trustworthy dragon of them all, but if anything happens to this particular dragon. There will be death reign on you, and you will not be able to come back to the pack. You will have to leave forever. That is the only way I’ll help you on this useless journey.” Malachi was not happy about her twenty-first birthday choice, but he was willing to let her go with the best dragon around, Iquar.

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