Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Elise and Malachi left that night. Malachi was taking her to Lucinia. Elise still didn’t know which dragon was taking her to her mother.

It took them many many hours to get there. It usually only takes overnight, but with all of the traps around, we were made to go slower than usual.

When we finally got there, I acted the same way I always have, since the first time I was brought to Lucinia. That is what is told to me by my fellow wolves who have told me about my first time.

My eyes bulge at the amount of dragons living. There are life size statues. The dragons are different colors. Their scales glittering in the afternoon sun. Their teeth were so long and pointed that could rip you apart with just the touch of their teeth. Their beautiful eyes, an assorted amount of colors. It makes you feel like you’re in a magical land, while knowing home is only a day’s walk away.

The first dragon that greeted them was a turquoise one, glittering brightly, with eyes that make you instantly fall in love, and a voice like a waterfall, so soft and powerful. It makes you want to do what it tells you to. That is one of the dragon’s powers. The dragon uses its beauty against you. If the dragon wanted to, it could make you drown yourself.

The dragon asked us to follow her. The dragon’s powers don’t affect wolves, but Malachi was following her, so I followed her also.

She took us into a room. The room felt like it was three hundred feet tall, and three hundred feet wide. There was a groan from the far top corner of the room.

Malachi and I looked up, and saw something we didn’t expect. We saw a hospital for dragons. Just a minute ago the room looked empty. We climbed upon an elevator that Malachi said will take us where we need to go.

He said one word that I understood in the Dragi language. It meant Lesotho. Lesotho was the name of a room for the head of the Dragi colony.

“Am I going to be taken by the leader of the Dragi colony?” Elise asked.

“Yes, yes you are. It’s the only way I know you’ll be safe.”

“You’re practically going to set me up for the death sentence. He was supposed to be dead, and if he’s seen by Humani, then he will be killed, and I will never be able to come home.” Elise frowned in frustration at Malachi. How could he do this to her? Iquar was the only dragon in the Humani versus Dragi war that was supposed to die.

“Well, after you leave, look inside your bag. You will see something that will keep both of Iquar and yourself safe.” said Malachi to Elise.

It was the ding of the elevator that stopped Elise from continuing the conversation. Malachi stepped into the room, forcing Elise to step into the room also.

“We’re here to see Iquar.” is all Malachi said, and he was let in. Elise still followed, not wanting to be left alone in a room with dragons, which looked scarier than all the others, and had rough voices.

“Hello, Malachi. I’ve been expecting you. I haven’t seen you in twenty wolf years. Why?” Iquar’s voice was one to not able to describe. It was different than all the other dragons. It wasn’t rough, though it wasn’t like the one that we encountered earlier.

“Hello, Iquar, oh wise one. It has been a long time. I’m sorry, I’ve just had much responsibilities to do.” Elise had learned the Dragi tongue, though it was still hard to completely understand the meanings of the words they spoke.

“What is it, Malachi? You’re not just here for a visit. You never had, you never will, and you aren’t now. What do you wish from me?” Iquar’s voice brought Elise forward.

“Ahh, you want something for your ‘Daughter’. Elise was the name right? There was no reply.

“Speak up child!” Iquar’s voice was so powerful, Elise felt shame in not answering at first. You do not disobey the leader of the most powerful creatures in the world.

“Yes, Iquar. My name is Elise, Elise Wolf.”

“Ah, yes. Elise ‘Wolf’ because you were raised by Malachi Wolf, who is a wolf.” Iquar let out a laugh that rumbled the building. “How precious. Now you, Malachi, speak of your reasoning.”

Malachi spoke almost instantly,”I wish Elise to ride upon your back to find her mother, so she may meet her. Now, before you say anything.” Malachi wasn’t going to let Iquar say no, for if he did, there wasn’t asking anymore. “Elise has promised not to let any Humani see you, and she is not allowed to bring her mother or and any Humani back. If she does, she is given the sentence of never coming back here again. If you die in the process, she gets the death sentence. Everything has already been thought out.”

“I am still hurt from the war, Malachi. You know I can only fly so much a day, and that I cannot use my camouflage. This will not work.”

“Oh, but it will. Like I said, everything will work out. You don’t have to fly over the amount you can each day. The pack can live over three months without her. I got one of your dragons to tell me how long we could last without this girl. It was only three months. Please, Iquar. Do it, and I will owe you astronomically.” Malachi begged, as much on his knees, bowing in the process.

“I don’t know. Let me see.”

A blurred look came into Iquar’s eyes. Elise could see disappointment on his face. Then joy. Elise knew what it meant when a dragon was making a decision, and they had joy on their face.

“I will, only on one condition.” Iquar answered

“I swear, Iquar. Anything.” Malachi told.

“I will do such a task if I am not harmed from what may come of it.” Iquar’s answer confused everyone in the room.

Still confused, Malachi answered proudly, “It will be done, your highness. I promise.” A wind blew through the room. Malachi had made a promise to a dragon, and a dragon made a promise within it all. If either promise were broken, then both would die.

Iquar then flew away.

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