Chapter 43...

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I was walking home alone through the park. I'd only been in high school about a month, and I hated it. The one friend I thought I could trust, the one person I had confided in about how I was feeling, and it had gone around the school like wildfire, leaving me more isolated than I'd ever been.


I turned around, but I wish I hadn't. Six girls were walking towards me, and she was one of them. She was the only one I knew by name; the others I recognised, but had never spoken to. And I was sure they were older, year nine's or above. I kept walking.

'Kimberley! Hang on a minute! Where you going?'

Before I knew it they were in a circle around me. 'What?'

'Is it true?'

'Is what true?'

'You know what I mean, are you a lez?'

'I dunno what you're on about.' I tried moving past them but one of them pushed me back.

'Liar, Chloe said you were... she said you told her. What're you lying for?'

'I'm not lying, I'm not, move--'

Again, I tried to push through them, and again I was pushed back. This time, one of them raised her hand and slapped me. I clutched my face in shock, my eyes filling with tears.

'We don't like dykes in our school.' She whispered. They closed in tighter, and the girl raised her hand again.

I lashed out, out of instinct. I had never had a fight before, never stuck up for myself physically. Before I knew it, I was on the floor. One of the girls kicked my bag away from me.

'You shouldn't have done that.' The main girl whispered.

Then they let me have it.

I woke up alone the next morning, but it was only for a few seconds before Cheryl wondered in, smiling sleepily. 'Hey! I only went to the loo, are you ok babe?'

'S'pose.' I yawned.

'You sure? You don't look it, where does it hurt?'

'...Everywhere. Feel like I've been kicked by a horse.'

Cheryl gently leaned over and kissed my lips, then the bruise on my face, then straightened up and kissed my forehead before sitting down and stroking my hair. 'Are you up for talking?'

'Why? What time is it? Are the police here again?'

'No, nothing like that... look don't be angry but... I rang Sarah last night.'

'Oh no.' I groaned, closing my eyes and placing my hands over my face. 'She's gonna kill me, isn't she?'

'Well, she's probably even angrier than I am. She came straight here but you were already asleep... I think she's mellowed since then, she's just gone for something to eat.'

'C-could you help me sit up please?' I said. Cheryl did so, then gently kissed my lips again.

'D'you want me to get someone? Get you something for the pain?'

'I just want to go home.'

'We'll talk about that later.' She said, perching next to me on the bed and putting her arm around me. I frowned, but before I could question her I saw Sarah peering through the window. She dropped something and burst in, striding across the room already in full flow.

'Of all the stupid things you've ever fcuking done! What bloody stupid train of thought could you possibly have been on to think that was a good idea?! Have you got a screw loose?! What did you go anywhere near her for?!'

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