Chapter 4 - Days 1 and 2 ~ Her Maid, Sickened

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That night, I almost immediately excused myself from dinner.  My vision had begun swimming, and I couldn't breathe without hyperventilating.

Finally, I excused myself from the table.  I ran to my quarters coughed up a little bit of blood before passing out on my bed.

I had a strange dream about the husky vouce of my father, muttering "Bewitched by the eyes of the dead" all around me.  I couldn't remember what happened in the middle, and very little of the end.  All I recall, even at this point in time, was the knife that pierced through my chest and the horrifyingly familiar scream as I was engulfed in flames.

I woke up gasping, but not sitting bolt upright.  It had never been a reflex of mine to do that.  Sweat rolled down my cheeks.

"A dream," I muttered.  "One hell of a sick, twisted dream..."  My breath had slowed to a seminormal pace, and my vision was clearer.  I couldn't get up, though--my body ached so much that I could hardly look at the door when Sebastian walked in.

A faint moan escaped my lips.  He probably wants me to work today, I thought grimly.  I knew I should've been up already...

Actually, my older brother said the opposite of what I thought.  He said he knew that I need rest, and that he would take care of Cerina until I was well again.

"I...I was sick, Sebastian?" I murmured weakly.

"You had a fever.  If it had gone much higher, you would not have awakened this morning."

The way he said that made my heart plummet.  10 more days of near-death experiences?  I was not sure how much I'd be able to take.

"You look pale, Sebrina," Sebastian whispered, lifting my chin with his index finger.  He flinched.  "Get your rest.  I'll bring you some tea."

I solely nodded.  I couldn't do anything else as Sebastian kissed my forehead in a paternal manner and exited my bedroom.

I let out an exaggerated sigh as my vision began to blur again...


I walk through the long hallway alone.  I think of the number ten today, for that is how much longer I must stay.

10 more days until I left the estate.  10 more days to see my brother.

10 more days...until my eternal rest.

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