Keeping Promises

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If you ask Sabrina and I, we'd say we've been married since we were 17. When we realized just how much we wanted to be with each other, we just decided that we're married. We always knew we'd be together forever, but eventually I would have to actually pop the question so we can finally have the life together that we always wanted.

"You see how much better the sand is here than at home?"
"Everything's better here than at home, honestly"

Sabrina loves the beach. The look of joy and freedom on her face whenever we go is electrifying. So when I'd suggested we go to a beach on the Georgia coast for vacation, instead of the muddy half priced beach by a lake back home, she was the happiest I've ever seen her. She's probably onto me about my plan, because she seems especially giddy as we walk on the beach, getting the perfect view of the sunset.
I'd told her about how I wanted to properly propose to her almost 8 years ago. And now it seems as though everything is falling  into place. I stop us at the perfect spot to see the sunset, holding her as though it'd kill me to let go of her.

"This is nice. Can we just stay here forever?"
"Well we gotta get home eventually, Sabrina"
I laugh "You know...this is probably the cheesiest thing we've ever done"
"Very true"
"There's only one thing that could make it any cheesier"
"What're you...."
I kneel down in the soft sand, and her eyes light up.
"Oh my god....Chris...."
"What? I'm keeping my promise. I told you that I'd never leave your side for the rest of my life. Sabrina, you've gone from my best friend, to my crush, to my high school sweetheart, to the love of my life. We've been with each other at our best and at our worst moments. Every second I spend with you becomes my new favorite memory. And I wanna keep making these memories for the rest of my life.....will you marry me?"

She's crying, and so am I. This is one of the biggest moments of our lives.

"Yes! Yes yes yes!"

As soon as she says it. It's like my heart's been supercharged. I scoop her up and spin her around, laughing, crying. I memorize every detail about this beautiful moment. The warm sand, the cool breeze that meets the tide as it kisses the shore, the look of adoration in my future wife's eyes. That look that I've treasured for so long now.

She kisses me "Mine"
"All yours. Now, and forever"

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